Quotation of Master Shandao:Chapter of the Fundamental Vow (Explanation of the Fundamental Vow) (16 entries)
If, when I achieve Buddhahood, sentient beings of the ten directions who earnestly believe and rejoice, wish to be reborn in my land and recite my name, even ten times; should fail to be born there, may I not attain perfect enlightenment. Excepted are those who commit the five gravest transgressions or slander the correct Dharma.
Plus and minus as compared with the original text (5 entries)
A text in the Chapter of the Profound Meaning in the Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra:
If, when I achieve Buddhahood, sentient beings of the ten directions who wish to be reborn in my land and recite my name, even only ten times, should fail to be born there relying on the power of my Vow, may I not attain perfect enlightenment.
A paragraph in the Chapter of the Profound Meaning in the Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra:
None cannot be reborn [in the Land of Bliss] with recourse to the Buddha’s vow power, as they joyfully entrust [to Amitabha Buddha] with singleness of mind, aspire to be reborn there, and evoke at most for the rest of their life or as few as ten times only.
A paragraph in the Chapter of the Profound Meaning in the Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra:
Only if one can [recite Amitabha’s name] for the rest of one’s life at most and for even invoking as few as ten times only, with recourse to the Buddha’s vow power, none cannot be reborn. So, that is why it is called “easy”.
A paragraph in the ‘Dharma School of Contemplation and Recitation’
If, when I achieve Buddhahood, sentient beings of the ten directions who wish to be reborn in my land and recite my name, even ten times, should fail to be born there relying on the power of my Vow, may I not attain perfect enlightenment.
A paragraph in the ‘In Praise of the Rite of Rebirth’
If, when I achieve Buddhahood, sentient beings of the ten directions who wish to be reborn in my land and recite my name, even ten times, should fail to be born there relying on the power of my Vow, may I not attain Perfect Enlightenment.
Today Amitabha is before us, having achieved Buddhahood. We should know that his Fundamental Vow has been unequivocally fulfilled. If sentient beings recite his name, they will certainly be reborn in the Land of Bliss.
General Principles of the Explanation of the Fundamental Vow (6-16 total 11 entries)
A text about the ‘interpretation of the six characters’ in the Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra:
'Namo' means to entrust our lives, as well as to dedicate merit towards rebirth [in the Pure Land]. [Reciting] 'Amitabha Buddha' is the practice. That is why rebirth is certain.
A text about the ‘mere explanation of exclusive invocation’ in the Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra:
The 48 Vows of the Infinite Life Sutra explain only that exclusive recitation of Amitabha Buddha’s name leads to rebirth in the Land of Bliss.
A text about the ‘Great Vow’ in the Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra:
The Great Vow is, as said in the Longer Sutra (Infinite Life Sutra), “No good and evil ordinary being who attains rebirth [in the Pure Land] has not resorted to the karmic power of Amitabha’s Great Vow as an augmentative cause”.
A text about ‘abandonment and establishment of path of importance and path of great vow’ (‘abandonment and establishment of path of recitation and contemplation’) in the Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra
Though [preceding passages] spoke of the merits of the meditative and non-meditative virtues, the Buddha’s underlying wish is that sentient beings always recite Amitabha’s name exclusively.
A text about the ‘embrace and transformation by the Name in the form of light’ in the In Praise of the Rite of Rebirth:
Amitabha Buddha made a profound, weighty vow to embrace all beings of the ten directions with his light and transform them with his name, in the event that they have faith in Him, aspire to be reborn [in the Land of Bliss] and recite his Name—up to a lifetime’s recitation, as well as just ten recitations, or even one. Because of the power of Amitabha Buddha’s vow, rebirth [in the Pure Land] is easy.
A text about the ‘two kinds of deep faith’ in the Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra:
The first kind of determinant deep faith: We are iniquitous, ordinary beings subject to endless rebirth. Since time immemorial, we have died and been reincarnated, without any causal conditions to leave the cycle of rebirth.
The second kind of determinant deep faith: Amitabha Buddha embraces and receives all sentient beings with his 48 vows. Without doubt and anxiety, we are assured of rebirth [in the Pure Land] with recourse to the power of his vows.
A text about the ‘principal karma of assurance’ in the Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra:
To recite Amitabha’s name single-mindedly and without variation, whether walking, standing, sitting, or reclining, whether for long or short periods of time, and keeping this in mind constantly—that is called the principal karma of assurance. It is so because it accords with Amitabha Buddha’s vow.
A text about ‘mind of dedication by iniquitous sentient beings’ in the ‘Dharma School of Contemplation and Recitation’
For all iniquitous sentient beings who turn their minds around by invoking Amitabha Buddha, aspire to be reborn in the Pure Land, and recite His Name as many as U a hundred years, or as few as down to seven days, one days, ten times, three times, or even once, Amitabha and the sacred assembly will appear naturally to welcome them when they die, and they will attain rebirth instantly.
A text about ‘regardless of blessings or offenses’ in the Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra
All ordinary beings – regardless of the abundance of their blessings or the gravity of their offenses; and regardless of the length of time they have practiced – can single-mindedly and exclusively recite Amitabha’s name for a lifespan of a hundred years or more, or for just the span of one to seven days, then they will, without fail, be reborn in the Pure Land.”
A text about ‘ascertained rebirth by Amitabha-recitation’ In Praise of the Rite of Rebirth
If there is a sentient being who recites [the name of] Amitabha Buddha for, say, seven days to one day, or as few as only ten times, even one time, one thought, he is assured of rebirth.
A paragraph about ‘postponement and expedition of Amitabha-recitation’ in the Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra
For as much as from now on till the last of one’s life, or as few as only one day, one hour, one thought; or starting from one thought, ten thoughts, up to one hour, one day, or one life. The general idea is that: once aspired to be reborn in the Pure Land, one vows to a life of Amitabha-recitation, never set back or retrogress, until attaining rebirth there.
- Recitation of Amitabha’s name, relying on his Fundamental Vow (the 18th)
- Rebirth of ordinary beings in the Pure Land’s Realm of Rewards
- Rebirth assured in the present lifetime
- Non-retrogression achieved in this lifetime

The 18th Vow of Amitabha Buddha
If, when I achieve Buddhahood, sentient beings of the ten directions who sincerely and joyfully entrust themselves to me, wish to be reborn in my land and recite my name, even ten times, should fail to be born there, may I not attain perfect enlightenment. Excepted are those who commit the five gravest transgressions or slander the correct Dharma.
Guiding Principles
Faith in, and acceptance of, Amitabha’s deliverance
Single-minded recitation of Amitabha’s name
Aspiration to rebirth in Amitabha’s Pure Land
Comprehensive deliverance of all sentient beings