Quotation of Master Shandao:Transcendental Splendor of the Land of Bliss (47 entries)
By Master Shandao
Transcendental Splendor of the Land of Bliss (47 entries)
A verse about ‘those who commit the Five Gravest Transgressions and slander the teaching can be reborn’ in the ‘In Praise of Dharma Practice’
Acquiring the fruition of eternal Nirvana,
His life will be prolonged to an immeasurable extent,
Up to thousands and millions of eons, as many as the sands in the Ganges,
And to billions and trillions of eons, which are countless and infinite.
Remaining motionless while seated,
His body can emit light, permeating everywhere without any limit.
His spirit form is real, of golden color, and contains all kinds of merit and virtues.
Sitting alone and magnificent, he delivers sentient beings.
All sacred and ordinary beings in the ten directions focus their minds on him.
He can divide and manifest his body to welcome sentient beings.
In the span of one thought, he can travel through space to attend a Buddhist assembly.
His body and life are the same as Amitabha Buddha.
2.《觀經疏》「西方寂靜」之偈(善全149頁):*08 /22
A verse about “tranquility in the Western Land”, quoted in the Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra
The bliss of unconditioned tranquility in the West
Is the ultimate freedom of joy beyond “existence” and “emptiness”.
With Great Compassion it nourishes our minds while travelling in the Dharma Realms,
These manifested bodies can be split into various shapes, in order to benefit sentient beings individually and equally, without any differences.
These manifested bodies can appear to preach the Dharma through their paranormal powers,
Or they can appear with splendid marks and goodness, in order to enable sentient beings to enter Nirvana.
The splendor can be manifested at their own discretion,
Upon seeing these manifested bodies, sentient beings’ karmic offenses can immediately be cleared.
3.《往生禮讚》「超諸佛剎」之偈(善全523頁): *09 /22
A verse about ‘transcending all other Buddha-lands” quoted in the “Praise in the Rites of Rebirth”
Contemplating Amitabha’s Land of Bliss,
So vast, wide and level, formed by countless jewels.
From the 48 Vows sublime adornments arise,
Transcending all Buddha-lands.
4.《法事讚》「淨土湛然」之偈(善全422頁):*10 /22
A verse about ‘those who commit the Five Gravest Transgressions and slander the teaching can be reborn’ in the ‘In praise of Dharma Practice’
It has been seen and heard for many eons in the past,
The jeweled adornments of the Pure Land in the West.
This is the power of Amitabha’s compassionate vows,
Which is superb, without any change or decay.
5.《往生禮讚》「十地自然」之偈(善全529頁): *11 /22
A verse about “the naturalness of manifesting the ten Bodhisattva stages” quoted in the “In Praise of the Rite of Rebirth”
Tathagatas of the Six Directions extend their tongues to attest:
By reciting Amitabha’s Name exclusively,
Sentient beings will arrive at the Western Land of Bliss.
Once born there in a blooming lotus,
They can listen to the wondrous Dharma teachings.
The aspiration and practices of the ten Bodhisattva stages manifest naturally.
6.《法事讚》「真淨報土」之偈(善全429頁): *12 /22
A verse about the “real and pure reward land” quoted from “In Praise of Dharma Practice”
Amitabha’s Buddha-land is pure and splendid,
The Three Wretched Realms, the Six Realms, and even the names of those realms are absent forever.
Everything is adorned by inconceivable virtues, which is so hard to depict,
And every kind of wonderful and delicate phenomena is a refined marvel.
7.《法事讚》「證得法身」之偈(善全427頁): *13 /22
A verse about “realization of the Dharma Body” quoted from ‘In praise of Dharma Practice’
Having seen the lotus altar, we are so excited!
Because we have returned to naturalness by following the Buddha, we delight in freedom.
Amitabha’s Land is completely natural.
It is flawless, without the arising of any thoughts, and returning to truth.
We always accompany the Buddha in coming and going, moving and halting.
We realize the unconditioned body of the Dharma-Nature.
8.《法事讚》「生即不退」之偈(善全四三五頁): *14 /22
A verse about “Non-retrogression upon rebirth” quoted from ‘In praise of Dharma Practice’
The Saha Realm is a world of suffering that is not suitable for living.
The Land of Bliss is an unconditioned world that is truly splendid.
All nine levels of sentient beings can attain the state of non-retrogression if they dedicate the virtues they have attained.
They become Avinivartaniya Bodhisattvas in the state of no-birth.
9.《法事讚》「六識自悟」之偈(善全四三五頁): *15 /22
A verse about “automatic realization of the Six Consciousness” quoted from ‘In Praise of Dharma Practice’
Always see the Buddha in his four kinds of awesome body postures,
Always manage paranormal powers while halting and moving in and out.
The Six kinds of consciousness are naturally awakened in all directions.
Not relying on meditative virtues, but the results of the merit of one thought /recitation of Amitabha’s Name.
10.《法事讚》「無明自亡」之偈(善全433頁): *16 /22
A verse about “Voluntary Extinction of the Ignorance” quoted from ‘In Praise of Dharma Practice’
Upon arrival, the flower opens and we join the great assembly.
All kinds of ignorance and afflictions are naturally extinguished.
Three kinds of enlightenment will be naturally possessed with recourse to the Buddha’s vows.
With joined palms, supernatural powers will be attained in a moment.
A verse about ‘all knowledge and paranormal powers are replete” quoted from ‘In Praise of Dharma Practice’
Go straight within the Dharma assembly of Amitabha
See the immeasurable billions of the Buddha’s splendors.
The Three Varieties of Knowledge and the Six Paranormal Powers are all sufficient.
For me to recollect my companions in the Jambudvipa.
A verse about “only Buddha is clean and relaxed” quoted from ‘In Praise of Dharma Practice’
All ninety-five kinds of heterodox teachings spoil the sentient beings in the world.
The Buddhist teaching is the only one that is pure and relaxed.
The aspirations of the Perfectly Enlightened extend boundlessly.
Returning to the burning house to deliver human and celestial beings.
13.《法事讚》「誓到安養」之偈(善全419頁): *19/22
A verse about ‘vow to be reborn in the Land of Peace and Joy” quoted from ‘In Praise of Dharma Practice’
I vow to go to Amitabha’s Land of Peace and Joy.
And I will return to the defiled lands to deliver both human and celestial beings.
I wish for my compassion to be unlimited and boundless.
So that I will be able to fully repay the grace of kindness for many eons.
14.《般舟讚》「自慶今身」之偈(善全551頁):*20 /22
A verse about ‘glad to have this physical body in this life” quoted from ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’
Though I am glad to have a human body that can hear the Pure Land teaching in this life.
I would gladly sacrifice this physical life in order to be reborn in the West.
The West is an unconditioned realm of joy.
The human and celestial realms cannot be compared,
Even by multiplying the splendors that living beings experience in the Six Heavens of Desire a billion times,
It still cannot be compared to just one moment of the splendor experienced by living beings in the West.
All thirty-two forms functionally inter-penetrate and are totally free of any obstructions.
Amitabha’s light permeates and shines in all the worlds in the ten directions.
15.《般舟讚》「身紫金色」之偈(善全552頁): *21/22
A verse about “body in purple-gold color” quoted from ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’
Each newly born body [in the Land of Bliss] manifests in a purple-golden color,
Which is the same as all other living beings in the assembly.
Sometimes, they go to a jeweled pavilion, and attend the assembly.
All of them are always glad to see each other.
Various kinds of adornments can be recognized,
As they are unobstructed when viewed from inside or outside.
Sometimes when traveling, they pause to enjoy the Dharma bliss for a moment,
And they naturally attain the Samadhi of No-Birth.
16.《般舟讚》「相好同佛」之偈(善全560頁): *22/22
A verse about “marks and goodness are the same as the Buddha” quoted from ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’
The body of the Buddha and the sacred beings there are golden in color.
The light emitted from their bodies shines on each other, enabling their minds to be connected.
The splendor of their marks and goodness are not different,
Because all of them are produced by Amitabha’s vows.
17.《般舟讚》「身心皆悟」之偈(善全590頁): *23/22
A verse about “both body and mind are enlightened” quoted from “In Praise of Pratyutpanna”
Even the tiniest pores in the body and mind can be enlightened.
Bodhisattvas and sacred beings can occupy anywhere in space at will.
They can manipulate their paranormal powers to enter the grand assembly.
They can also recollect the grace of good advisors in the Saha Land.
A verse about “remember the hell suddenly” quoted from ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’
Suddenly, we recollect the long lasting suffering in all of the hells.
And we forget to forsake the temporary pleasure of desire.
The Land of Bliss is an unconditioned realm,
Which is really the best of the best for the final settlement of our physical lives.
19.《般舟讚》「獨超三界」之偈(善全557頁): *25/22
A verse about “only way to transcend the Three Domains” quoted from ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’
A Pure Land practitioner should teach sentient beings to recite Amitabha’s Name often.
And dedicate his own merit and virtues plus those attained through rejoicing others, and aspire to be reborn.
In this way, his mind is settled and he is determined to attain rebirth in the Land of Peace and Joy.
It is the only way to leave this cage of afflictions and transcend the Three Domains.
20.《般舟讚》「我法王家」之偈(善全560頁): *26
A verse about “My Dharma King home” quoted from ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’
I wish all of my Pure Land companions who have a karmic connection with Amitabha Buddha,
To pay full attention to directly entering the Pure Land, without any hesitation.
Upon arriving in Amitabha’s Land of Bliss,
We discover that it is actually the home of our Dharma King.
A verse about “without exiting the Samadhi” quoted from ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’
Assuming awesome body postures of four kinds while always in the meditative state.
Without exiting Samadhi, Bodhisattvas can manipulate their paranormal powers.
Each Bodhisattva arrives at the Buddha’s assembly through paranormal powers.
They hear the Dharma and realize no-birth during every single assembly.
22.《般舟讚》「一入即證」之偈(善全546頁): *28
A verse about “immediate realization upon entry” quoted from ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’
A person who exclusively recites Amitabha Buddha’s Name for one to seven days,
Will be instantly reborn in the Land of Peace and Joy at the end of this life.
Upon entering Amitabha’s land of Nirvana,
He will attain the state of non-retrogression and realize the perseverance of no-birth.
23.《般舟讚》「畢竟逍遙」之偈(善全554頁): *29
A verse about “ultimate freedom with no fetter” quoted from ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’
Upon arrival in Amitabha’s Land of Peace and Joy,
We attain the ultimate freedom, which is the state of Nirvana.
Everywhere are the adornments of Nirvana.
Thus, all offensive obstructions are cleared by seeing the matter or smelling the fragrance.
A verse about “ultimate non-retrogression” quoted from ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’
Upon entering the Dharma Assembly within one thought,
Our names are permanently removed from the list of the Three Domains and the Six Realms.
All of the Three Kinds of Thorough Understanding and Six Paranormal Powers are freely manipulated.
As we realize the unconditioned realm, and dwell in the state of ultimate non-retrogression.
A verse about ‘realization and enlightenment in every recitation” quoted from ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’
Once entering Nirvana, one always dwells in Amitabha’s Land,
As one is totally free in time and space, what can one worry about?
One is always enlightened and every single thought is a realization,
All the vows and practices in the ten Bodhisattva grounds are naturally accomplished.
A verse about ‘immediate enjoyment upon arrival” quoted from ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’
Upon arrival, we enjoy the happiness of freedom in tranquility.
Tranquility without any bondage is the cause of Nirvana.
27.《般舟讚》「超證常倫」之偈(善全579頁): *33/22
A verse about ‘realization transcending all normal practices” quoted from ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’
The benefits of seeing and hearing among sentient beings in the Land of Bliss
Transcend all of the normal realizations of bodhisattvas in their causal grounds.
28.《般舟讚》「如此逍遙」之偈(善全578頁): *34/22
A verse about “so relaxed with no fetter” quoted in the ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’
It is a land of joy in freedom,
What else will you cling to and not seek rebirth?
A paragraph about ‘urging the people to aspire to be reborn’ in the Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra
All individuals in the general public, whether monastics or householders,
Should awaken the aspiration for the Unsurpassed Mind.
Because it is difficult to renounce birth-and-death,
And also very difficult to joyfully admire the Buddhist Dharma,
Let’s bring forth resolve as strong as a diamond,
So that we can transcendentally cut off the Four Kinds of Flow,
And aspire to enter Amitabha’s realm,
By taking refuge with palms joined in prostration.
30.《觀經疏》「歸去來」之偈(善全150頁): *36/22
A verse about “return to come” in the Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra
Come back home.
Do not linger in the village of demons.
Throughout countless eons you have experienced reincarnation within all of the Six Realms.
In those realms there is no joy of any kind, but only the sound of sorrow and sighs.
You should aspire to enter the city of Nirvana at the end of this life.
A verse about “the mind of mere ten recitations” quoted in the “In Praise of the Rite of Rebirth”
It is difficult to become a human being again in this defiled land.
However, Amitabha’s Pure Land Vows are exceedingly deep.
So, don’t say the Land in the West is very far,
You can reach it easily through the mind of ten-recitations.
32.《往生禮讚》「欲得無生果」之偈(善全514頁): *38/22
A verse about ‘wish to attain the fruition of No-Birth” quoted in the “In Praise of the Rite of Rebirth”
If you wish to attain the fruition of No-Birth, you must first be born in the Land of Bliss.
The reason that we earnestly aspire to be reborn there is because of its infinite blissful joy.
33.《往生禮讚》「繫念必往生」之偈(善全517頁): *39/22
A verse about “assured rebirth through fixing our mind” quoted from the “In Praise of the Rite of Rebirth”
If your mind can be fixed [on the Land of Bliss]
You will be reborn without further obligations.
The Pure Land does not decline or change.
Once formed it lasts forever.
34.《往生禮讚》「發心功已至」之偈(善全519頁): *40/22
A verse about “merit already there once setting forth the mind” quoted from “In Praise of the Rite of Rebirth”
The merit is already present, as soon as the mind is set forth,
All karmic offenses are eradicated by fixing your mind [upon rebirth]
As long as you see the beauty in the way, the practice is easy.
Don’t worry that the sacred fruition is too far to reach.
35.《往生禮讚》「樂多無廢道」之偈(善全520頁): *41/22
A verse about ‘plentiful joy without unfavorable paths” quoted from “In Praise of the Rite of Rebirth”
There is plentiful joy with no unfavorable paths
The sound of name-recitation spreads far and wide, so it is not difficult to hear it
Why do people crave the Five Kinds of Turbidity?
They constantly burn themselves by playing with its fire.
36.《往生禮讚》「疑多邊地久」之偈(善全521頁): *42/22
A verse about ‘more doubt, longer in staying at the border land” quoted from the “In Praise of the Rite of Rebirth”
A Buddhist practitioner with more doubt will stay at the border of the Pure Land longer.
It is difficult for them to be reborn in a higher level because they have few virtues
Let’s not discuss all of the other vows [of Amitabha Buddha]
Those who can be reborn in the West have already attained peace of mind.
37.《往生禮讚》「六根常合道」之偈(善全521頁): *01/23
A verse about “six roots always matching the truth” quoted from “In Praise of the Rite of Rebirth”
The Six Sense Organs always align with the Buddhist Way
They are never connected to the Three Wretched Realms, not even their names.
Giving advice to those who are concerned
Let us exit this city of suffering together.
38.《往生禮讚》「彌陀智願海」之偈(善全491頁): *02/23
A verse about “the sea of Amitabha’s vows of wisdom” quoted from “In Praise of the Rite of Rebirth”
The sea of Amitabha’s vows of wisdom
Is unfathomable in depth and distance
Those who wish to be reborn upon hearing the Name
Can all be reborn in that Land
A verse about “reaching that pure land with adornments”, quoted in the “In Praise of the Rite of Rebirth”
Reaching that land adorned by pure merit and virtues
One can speedily attain paranormal powers.
One must receive a prediction from the Buddha of Infinite Life
To achieve Equal Enlightenment.
40.《往生禮讚》「若人無善本」之偈(善全495頁): *04/23
A verse about ‘If a person has no virtuous root”, quoted in the “In Praise of the Rite of Rebirth”
If a person has no virtuous roots,
She cannot hear the Buddha’s Name.
For those who are arrogant and lazy [and do not practice name-recitation],
It Is difficult to believe this [Pure Land] teaching.
41.《往生禮讚》「宿世見諸佛」之偈(善全496頁): *05/23
A verse about “To see Buddhas in the past lives”, quoted in the “In Praise of the Rite of Rebirth”
Because someone encountered various buddhas in his past lives
He can believe this teaching [rebirth through Amitabha-recitation]
Be humble, reverent, and practice accordingly upon hearing [the Name]
With excitement and great joy.
42.《往生禮讚》「其有得聞彼」之偈(善全496頁): *06/23
A verse about “Whoever hears that” quoted in the “In Praise of the Rite of Rebirth”
其有得聞彼,彌陀佛名號; 歡喜至一念,皆當得生彼。
Whoever hears of that Land of Bliss,
And Amitabha Buddha’s Name,
And is filled with joy for even one thought,
Will be reborn in that Land.
A text about ‘Provided there is fire over the great cosmos” quoted “In Praise of the Rite of Rebirth”
設滿大千火,直過聞佛名; 聞名歡喜讚,皆當得生彼。
Because the great cosmos is on fire,
You must go straight through it in order to hear the Buddha’s Name.
Those who joyfully recite upon hearing the Name
Will attain rebirth in that Land.
44.《往生禮讚》「萬年三寶滅」之偈(善全497頁): *08/23
A verse about “Extinction of the Three Jewels after ten thousand years” quoted in the “In Praise of the Rite of Rebirth”
萬年三寶滅,此經住百年; 爾時聞一念,皆當得生彼。
After ten thousand years, the Three Jewels will be extinguished in the Land of Saha.
However, this Sutra (the Infinite Life Sutra) will survive for hundreds of years more.
During that time, whoever awakens a single thought of Amitabha’s Name after hearing about it,
Will attain rebirth in his Pure Land.
A verse about ‘Rareness to meet up with the Buddha’ quoted in the “In Praise of the Rite of Rebirth”
佛世甚難值,人有信慧難; 遇聞稀有法,此復最為難。
It is extremely rare to meet the Buddha in this world.
It is even more difficult for a person to have the wisdom to believe in the Buddha.
Encountering the rare Dharma [of Amitabha’s deliverance],
Is the most difficult of all.
46.《往生禮讚》「自信教人信」之偈(善全497頁): *10/23
A verse about ‘To believe and teach other to believe’ quoted in the “In Praise of the Rite of Rebirth”
自信教人信,難中轉更難; 大悲傳普化,真成報佛恩。
We who believe should teach others to believe.
But it becomes more difficult as it is a difficult-to-believe teaching.
However, the Buddha of Infinite Compassion transmits this teaching universally.
We should strive to repay the grace of the Buddha.
A Verse of Dedication in Pure Land School quoted in the Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra
願以此功德,平等施一切, 同發菩提心,往生安樂國。
May the resulting merit
Be distributed to all beings without discrimination.
May all of us aspire to attain perfect Enlightenment,
And to be reborn in the Land of Peace and Joy.
- Recitation of Amitabha’s name, relying on his Fundamental Vow (the 18th)
- Rebirth of ordinary beings in the Pure Land’s Realm of Rewards
- Rebirth assured in the present lifetime
- Non-retrogression achieved in this lifetime

The 18th Vow of Amitabha Buddha
If, when I achieve Buddhahood, sentient beings of the ten directions who sincerely and joyfully entrust themselves to me, wish to be reborn in my land and recite my name, even ten times, should fail to be born there, may I not attain perfect enlightenment. Excepted are those who commit the five gravest transgressions or slander the correct Dharma.
Guiding Principles
Faith in, and acceptance of, Amitabha’s deliverance
Single-minded recitation of Amitabha’s name
Aspiration to rebirth in Amitabha’s Pure Land
Comprehensive deliverance of all sentient beings