Quotation of Master Shandao:Compassionate Admonishment (53 entries)
By Master Shandao
Quotation of Master Shandao
C1. (一) 念佛勝易(23則)
C2.(二) 極樂超勝 (47則)
C3. (三) 慈悲勸誡偈語(53則)
(三) 慈悲勸誡偈語(53則)
M6 Compassionate Admonishment (53 entries)
A verse in the “In Praise of Dharma Practice”
Mortal beings continuously sink in the sea of birth-and-death in the Land of Saha. They always remain in the Three Wretched Realms and the Asura Realm.
They suffer from wearing animal skins with horns on their heads, and have never heard the name of any sacred being.
Being taught about these painful lives experienced during endless eons, they should vow to give up mortal life and take refuge in Amitabha.
The multitudes are joyful in both body and mind. Let’s hold fragrant flowers in our hands and always offer them to the Buddha.
A verse in the “In Praise of Dharma Practice”
I feel insignificant compared to the great compassionate Shakyamuni, and all Buddhas in the ten directions, as many as the sands of the Ganges.
They never forsake me; but, compassionately guide me through many skillful means, towards the gate of Amitabha’s Great Vow.
All of the many gates within the forty-eight vows support the great vow of name-recitation, which is the most intimate.
When we recite Amitabha’s name, he embraces us with his mind; if we think of Amitabha, he knows it.
Those who exclusively remember the Buddha are also remembered and known by the Buddha.
If they sincerely dedicate all of their merits towards rebirth in the Land of Peace and Joy, they can see Amitabha’s fully adorned golden body, which is also adorned with merits and virtues.
All sacred beings are equally adorned in the Pure Land. They always appear before practitioners in a mist.
Any practitioner who has seen these sacred beings becomes incredibly joyful. They follow the Buddha and sit upon a golden lotus when their life ends.
Riding upon the lotus, they arrive at a Buddhist Assembly in a flash, realize the state of non-retrogression, and immediately become benevolent bodhisattvas.
3.《法事讚》卷上(善全401頁): *14/23
A verse in the “In Praise of Dharma Practice”
Living in the realm of birth-and-death for many eons, we constantly and directly
suffer from sinking into the Three Wretched Realms.
Now, we have been born in a human body and have heard the Right Dharma. We
are like thirsty people finding a spring of clean water.
Upon hearing about it , we think of the Pure Land teaching in every single thought, and vow to practice according to every word and sentence.
Remembering the sorrow of wandering in those days, I listened to the Dharma attentively, in order to enter the real gate.
There is no birth and no differentiation in the Pure Land, as we have a diamond body of ultimate emancipation.
4.《法事讚》卷下(善全420頁): *15/23
A verse in the “In Praise of Dharma Practice” Verse 6
A multitude of heavenly and human beings encircle the Buddha, join their palms in admiration, and wish to hear the Buddha teaching this Sutra.
The Buddha knew that it was the perfect time to enlighten both ordinary and sacred beings; so, he asked Sariputra to listen with his full attention.
All Buddha-lands are pure and adorned. Ordinary beings who are distracted and confused, with a variety of false thoughts, are not likely to be reborn in them.
Thus, the Tathagata specially directs us to the Pure Land in the West, which is located beyond a hundred thousand billion Buddha-lands.
The Western Pure Land is most splendid and adorned with seven jewels. The lifespans of sacred and celestial beings there are extremely long.
Amitabha Buddha always shares the Dharma. All karmic obstructions to the Buddhist Way, encountered by living beings in the Land of Bliss, naturally perish.
A verse in the “In Praise of Dharma Practice” Verse 7
All sentient beings in the Three Domains lack wisdom. Their bodies keep on reincarnating endlessly within the silly Six Realms.
Kindheartedly, all Buddhas teach the Dharma. Unfortunately, sentient beings cannot fully understand them. It is as if they are deaf, blind, handicapped, or disabled.
When death suddenly comes, people are controlled by their suffering. Their minds are in chaos and they are paralyzed by fear.
Departing from all worldly matters, family and properties, one should concentrate his mind and aspire to be reborn in the West.
While continuously reciting Amitabha’s Name, the manifested buddhas and bodhisattvas slowly walk in front of us.
They offer us the lotus platform and receive us with welcoming hands. When our lives come to their end Amitabha Buddha will be there to receive us.
A verse in the “In Praise of Dharma Practice”
The adornments of the Land of Bliss are beyond those of the Three Realms. A multitude of human, celestial, and other sentient beings are equally born in this unconditioned realm.
Dharmakara Bodhisattva made an infinitely great vow to cultivate the Bodhisattva practices in his causal ground. With his accomplishment of, “When I attain Buddhahood”, the manifested scenes in the Land of Bliss are rare and splendid.
Sometimes, manifested birds that can speak the Dharma; and, at other times Dharmas that are uninvited but exactly match what the audience would like to hear.
Sometimes wondrous sounds are produced by different subtle waves; and, at other times, the trees in the woods praise the virtues of compassion.
On certain occasions light and breeze move in response to each other; and, on others, Indra’s net in the sky recites poems and verses.
All of the adornments are full of a variety of different sounds that spontaneously create celestial music.
The purpose of these wonders is to attract all ordinary and sacred beings to come. That is why the Buddha manifests all of these inconceivable things.
Upon hearing the descriptions of the Pure Land, we feel so excited that our hair stands on end; and we thank our true Teacher Amitabha with full acceptance.
Once we accept the exclusive practice of Amitabha’s Name, we must not hesitate; but,continuously recite it until we are transported to Amitabha’s Pure Land.
A verse in the “In Praise of Dharma Practice”
By singling out Sariputra [in the Amitabha Sutra], Shakyamuni Tathagata is actually addressing all suffering sentient beings.
The Six Realms in the Land of Saha are neither safe nor peaceful as a permanent residence. All ordinary beings there keep moving aimlessly in darkness, like an endless nightmare.
Though sacred and ordinary beings live together in the Land of Saha, they do not recognize each other. Becoming easily angered , people constantly fight and commit other offenses due to ignorance.
Because of their ignorance, they lose their freedom and must endlessly remain in the Six Realms. When can they treat each other equally and wisely discriminate between love and hatred, superiority and inferiority?
They have no virtuous karma to eliminate the suffering of birth-and-death, and they are
unaware of the retribution they will receive resulting from their greed.
Those beings in the animal realm and Three Wretched Realms, who have the body of an ass wrapped within a human skin , will automatically be reborn without doubt.
Upon hearing this we are so sad that our hearts are broken. We vow to renounce all worldly glories immediately.
8.《法事讚》(善全437頁): *19/23
A verse in the “In Praise of Dharma Practice”
The Land of Bliss is a realm of unconditioned nirvana; It’s hard to be reborn there by practicing assorted virtues according to circumstances.
Tathagata selected the key method. He taught us to recite Amitabha’s name with two-fold exclusivity.
He recited for seven days and seven nights without interruption. He always practiced for long periods of time.
A multitude of sacred beings, holding lotus flowers, appeared when he was near the end-of-life.
He was so physically and mentally excited that he jumped upon a golden lotus altar and sat upon its throne.
Once he was seated, he attained the perseverance of no-birth. He was welcomed by Amitabha Buddha within one thought.
9.《法事讚》(善全446頁): *20/23
A verse in the “In Praise of Dharma Practice”
Those who commit the Ten Evil Deeds and the Five Gravest Transgressions always doubt and slander. They believe in demonic beings such as ghosts and gods.
They expect grace and blessings through praying to their gods and demons; but, they only experience more calamities and are jeopardized as a result.
They lie in bed for years because of sickness. Some are blind and deaf, and some are physically handicapped.
Why don’t they give up their devotion to these gods and demons and recite Amitabha’s Name? Amitabha’s vow power applies equally to all. Whoever directs his mind towards Amitabha will
receive and hold the lotus flowers in his hands.
By recitation of this single Name, they will be reborn in the land of joy and freedom, and dwell in peace without retrogression.
10.《法事讚》(善全451頁): *21/23
A verse in the “In Praise of Dharma Practice”
Wish to be reborn. Wish to be reborn.
When the time for the Honored One to teach the Dharma was nearly at an end, he sincerely and earnestly directed his students to disseminate Amitabha’s Name.
In this era, in which the five turbidites are increasing, there are more doubts about and slandering of the Dharma. Monastics and householders cast blame and do not listen to each other.
When they see people practicing the Dharma , their hatred is aroused and they attempt to hurt them. By accusing them of wicked deeds they sabotage Dharma practitioners through various means.
It is as if they are blind and have no virtuous roots. In this way they destroy the Sudden Teaching and it perishes forever.
Because of these actions and attitudes, they are unable to leave the Three Wretched Realms and suffer for countless eons. All people should sincerely repent for the karmic offenses of destroying the Dharma.
With great dedication the multitudes unanimously aspire to be reborn. Let’s hold fragrant flowers in our hands, and always offer them to the Buddha.
11.《法事讚》(善全460頁): *22/23
A verse in the “In praise of Dharma Practice”
The Fivefold Turbidites flourish near the end of the Dharma-Ending Age
It is much more difficult for sentient beings with distorted and wicked views to believe the [Buddhist teachings].
Though people are compassionately advised to focus on the Pure Land Path , they disregard it and remain on their own paths.
Because people continue to practice non-Buddhist teachings, they will reincarnate for countless eons.
If they only developed faith in Amitabha’s fundamental vow, aspired to be reborn in his Pure Land, and exclusively recited Namo Amitabha Buddha, they would be delivered from reincarnation (within the Six Realms).
Each day they should be thankful for the grace of Shakyamuni Buddha and all Buddhas.
12.《往生禮讚》(善全487頁): *23/23
A verse in the “In Praise of the Rite of Rebirth”
I always wish that, near the end-of-life, all of the encounters that appear before me are splendid scenes under splendid circumstances.
I hope that I will see Amitabha, the Master of Great Compassion , Avalokitesvara, Mahasthamaprapta and all honorable sacred beings.
With my head up, I wish that Amitabha will emit his divine light and receive me with his hand; so that I can be reborn in his Pure Land with recourse to his Fundamental Vow.
A verse in the “In Praise of the Rite of Rebirth”
We deal with trivial daily matters quickly in the human world. We are not aware that time flies, day by day and year by year.
It is like candle light flickering in the wind, so difficult to keep burning. We have no important destinations within the busy Six Realms.
Since none of us can be liberated from the sea of suffering, how can we feel relaxed without any fear?
When each of us hears about the strong augmentative power [of Amitabha’s deliverance], we should urge ourselves to aspire to dwell in the permanent realm of Nirvana.
14.《往生禮讚》(善全504頁): *25/23
A verse in the “In Praise of the Rite of Rebirth”
Ever since I received and accepted this body, it has committed the Ten Unwholesome Deeds that offend sentient beings.
I have no filial piety, slander the Three Jewels, committed the Five Gravest Transgressions and other non-virtuous deeds.
Because of all of these karmic offenses, I am a prisoner of my false and inverted thoughts.
I deserve to have the retribution of immeasurable suffering. I prostrate myself to the Buddha and repent, hoping my karmic offenses will be eradicated.
A verse in the “In Praise of the Rite of Rebirth”
I have been jealous for countless eons.
My arrogance and caprice originate from my delusion.
The fires of hatred are poisonous, they burn my virtuous roots of wisdom and kindness.
After lifetimes of deep thought, today I am enlightened. With great vigor I set forth the mind of joyfulness.
16.《般舟讚》(善全545-546頁): *27/23
A verse in the ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’
三界六道苦難停, 曠劫以來常沒沒,
到處唯聞生死聲。 釋迦如來真報土,
清淨莊嚴無勝是; 為度娑婆分化入,
八相成佛度眾生。 或說人天二乘法,
或說菩薩涅槃因, 或漸或頓明空有,
人法二障遣雙除; 根性利者皆蒙益,
鈍根無智難開悟。 瓔珞經中說漸教,
萬劫修功證不退; 觀經彌陀經等說,
即是頓教菩薩藏。 一日七日專稱佛,
命斷須臾生安樂, 一入彌陀涅槃國,
即得不退證無生。 萬劫修功實難續,
一時煩惱百千間, 若待娑婆證法忍,
六道恒沙劫未期。 貪瞋即是輪迴業,
煩惱豈是無生因, 驗此貪瞋火燒苦,
不如走入彌陀國。 彌陀因地發心時,
頓捨王位求菩提, 饒王佛所落髮鬚,
出家修道名法藏, 四十八願因茲發,
The joy of the Samadhi of Pratyutpanna
The suffering in the Three Domains and the Six Realms is difficult to stop,
Sentient beings are endlessly drowning (in the sea of suffering),
They hear the sounds of birth and death everywhere.
Shakyamuni Tathagata’s real reward land is incomparably pure.
He was able to split his body and manifest in the Land of Saha.
He was able to deliver sentient beings by becoming a Buddha with the Eight Marks.
At various times, he shared the Dharma of the human, celestial realms, and the Two Vehicles.
At other times, he shared the practices necessary for Bodhisattvas to attain Nirvana.
He also spoke of the Sudden and Gradual Teachings, and explained the teachings of Emptiness and Existence.
He cleared obstructions within people through the Dharma. Thus, all those with advanced capabilities were benefited.
For those with lesser capabilities, he shared the Gradual Teaching of the Jade Sutra.
In that way they could realize the State of Non-Retrogression after ten thousand eons of cultivation.
He also taught the Contemplation Sutra, the Amitabha Sutra, etc.,
Which are among the Sudden Teachings within the Bodhisattva Canon.
Those who exclusively recite Amitabha’s Name for one to seven days, can instantly be reborn in the Land of Peace and Joy when their lives end.
It is exceedingly difficult for people to sustain their own cultivation for ten thousand eons,
Because they have hundreds and thousands of afflictions.
If they can persevere in their Dharma practices while in the Land of Saha,
They can expect to leave the Six Realms in as many eons as there are sands in the Ganges River
Greed and hatred are among the karmas that cause reincarnation.
How can these afflictions be the cause of the Perseverance of Non-Arising?
Why don’t those who experience the burning suffering of greed and hatred,
Simply go to the kingdom of Amitabha.
Amitabha aspired to attain perfect Enlightenment while in his causal ground.
He suddenly gave up his throne, became a monk called Dharmakara, and pursued the Bodhisattva practices as a student of Lokeshvararaja.
Because of his karmic circumstances, he made his famous 48 vows.
Each of them was made for the sake of delivering sentient beings.
A verse in the ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’
Everything is pre-arranged by the Tathagata.
It is just like Shakyamuni Buddha did in his time.
He teaches the Dharma in accord with the aptitudes of sentient beings, so that all of them are benefited.
They are individually enlightened; but, enter the True Teaching together.
All 84,000 different teachings are expounded, for the purpose of extinguishing the karmic causes of ignorance.
A sharp sword is Amitabha's Name. It can eradicate all karmic offenses by even one recitation.
A verse in the ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’
Because of the differences in aptitudes and capacities among sentient beings, there are as many as 84,000 teachings in Buddhism.
If a person wishes to find a dwelling place for eternal settlement, he should find the path that leads him to the True Teaching.
Though all teachings are different, these are called Gradual Teachings. It takes ten thousand eons to realize them through cultivation and hardship.
However, if a person exclusively recites Amitabha’s Name, he will be instantly welcomed and transported by the Buddha just before his last breath.
Just as it takes a certain amount of time to finish a meal, it takes a thousand eons to eliminate greed and hatred.
The path towards the human and heavenly realms are blocked by greed and hatred, and people are dragged into the Three Wretched Realms and the Four Paths.
A verse in the ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’
Wisdom reduces our past karma to the size of a mote of dust; without even thinking, we turn around and enter the realm of ultimate reality.
Infinite kalpas are compressed into the single flick of a finger.
It is a place of happiness and freedom. Under what circumstances would we not aspire to be reborn there?
We have suffered from the Five Desires for thousands of years. These are the causal conditions that increase our suffering in hell.
Greed, hatred, and the Ten Unwholesome Acts arise one after the other, how can they be the cause of liberation in Nirvana?
People don’t fear the retribution they receive in the Three Wretched Realms due to various offenses, such as destroying the Three Jewels, that lead them to reincarnate forever.
They have no filial piety and scold their family members. Because of this they will live in various hells and never know the date of their release.
20.《般舟讚》(善全550頁): *31/23
A verse in the ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’
Through countless eons, they (ordinary beings) have been drowning in the sea of suffering, because they haven’t heard the supremely important Dharma regarding the Western Pure Land.
Though they have human bodies, they also have abundant karmic obstructions. Because of this, they doubt the Buddha’s teaching and will not accept it.
The Buddhas in the ten directions are filled with compassion and unanimously urge them to be reborn in the West.
These poor beings must bear their illnesses day after day, and say we receive no rewards from reciting the Buddha’s name.
It is extremely difficult to awaken such people, because they have been asleep so long beneath the blanket of ignorance.
A verse in the ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’
That we attain rebirth in the jeweled country, with no more births,
Is through the grace of Amitabha’s vow power.
The multitude should renounce this world together
And see Amitabha by relying on the power of his vow.
When we consider deeply we feel pain in our hearts.
We receive nothing by living in this world of hardship for countless eons.
We should greatly rejoice that we can hear the Pure Land teaching in this life!
We should dedicate our lives and strive for rebirth in the West.
22.《般舟讚》(善全555頁): *33/23
A verse in the ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’
Though the goal of the Way seems so far away that it cannot be reached by walking, we can reach it in a flash of time.
It all depends on whether we sentient beings doubt or not. The Pure Land is just on the other side of where we are facing, without any violent obstructions in our way.
Don’t worry whether Amitabha embraces you or not. We only need to aspire for rebirth and exclusively recite Amitabha’s Name.
If we are determined to dedicate ourselves to reaching the Pure Land, the Lotus platform will naturally come to welcome us near the end-of-life.
23.《般舟讚》(善全557頁): *34/23
A verse in the ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’
Bodhisattvas and Sravakas will see Amitabha Buddha very soon.
They will attain the perseverance of no-birth once they bow to him.
Amitabha will tell all the “children of the Buddha”
How the Land of Bliss is different from that of the Three Domains.
All those who are newly reborn or have already been reborn, wish to repay his grace.
They are speechless and can only weep with joy!
All of their seemingly endless suffering in the Land of Saha is forever eliminated.
They realize it is through the grace of Shakyamuni that they can see Amitabha Buddha.
A verse in the ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’
I generally urge all good advisors who aspire to be reborn,
To not become too attached to those with whom you share intimate relationships.
There are hundreds and thousands of parents and children,
But they are not the augmentative causes of our awakening.
They become attached to each other, and together fall into the wretched realms.
Because they receive different bodies as karmic retribution, they will not even recognize each other.
They may be born as one of the six domestic animals, such as pigs and goats,
They may have feathers or horns and never know when their lives may end.
We should treasure having a human body and being able to hear this most important teaching.
We should be determined, to gladly leave the village in which we now live, and return to our home country.
It is very exciting when a father and son meet and recognize each other.
It is similar for Bodhisattvas and Sravakas
25.《般舟讚》(善全563頁): *36/23
A verse in the ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’
Tathagathas extend their tongues to attest,
And to confirm that all sentient beings, with different aptitudes within the nine levels, can return to their homeland.
The Father and his children bow to each other in the great assembly.
They ask about their painful experiences in the Six Realms.
Some have attained a human or heavenly karmic reward.
Some have suffered from starvation with their bodies covered with sores.
Upon hearing of these painful experiences, Amitabha and a multitude of beings sigh with deep compassion,
When they hear the children’s sad stories.
Amitabha tells all the children,
They should accept their consequences and not blame others.
26.《般舟讚》(善全574頁): *37/23
A verse in the ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’
Non-filial parents who criticized the Three Jewels
Received their retribution in the fires of hell when their lives ended.
Those who slander and insult their relatives, break the pure precepts and will fall into a hell realm.
If they kill sentient beings and eat their flesh
They will directly enter the fires of hell.
Those who see and hear about these actions indirectly participate in that killing.
They will receive similar punishment with no opportunity to make excuses.
Those who steal the property of the Three Jewels and other sentient beings,
Will receive the retribution of falling into hell with no date of release.
Those who steal the property of parents and relatives,
Will also be condemned to hell.
A verse in the ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’
Those sentient beings who deceive and slander the Three Jewels
Will enter hell, with no date of release, after their deaths.
Using harsh language, speaking with two tongues, greed, hatred and arrogance
Will result in suffering in all 80,000 hells.
Those who gossip about and comment on the wrongdoings of the Three Jewels,
Will have their tongues wrenched out in hell.
I strongly urge sentient beings to protect the Three Dharmas.
Always recite Namo Amitabha while walking, standing, sitting, and lying down.
Never forget about the suffering in the various hells.
That will augment our aspiration to rebirth.
Let’s swear not to commit any of the karmic offenses of the Three Wretched Realms,
And do not become too attached to the rewards in the human and celestial realms.
Immediately remember the longlasting suffering in hell
And never question the Land of Peace and Joy simply because we didn’t instantly renounce this world.
The Land of Peace and Joy is an unconditioned Buddha-land.
It is the most marvelous realm for our final settlement.
28.《般舟讚》(善全575頁): *39/23
A verse in the ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’
The adornments of the Pure Land are infinite.
Countless beings, from the worlds in the ten directions, will be reborn there.
All beings from past eons, in the hundreds and thousands, as many as the sands in the Ganges River.
It doesn’t matter how many. All can be reborn there and accommodated.
Actually, the number of sentient beings in the ten directions does not increase.
Neither does Amitabha’s Buddha-land diminish.
A verse in the ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’
Amitabha’s vow power varies with his mind,
All of his four kinds of adornments are universally spread.
His Three Knowings and Six Paranormal Powers can be freely manipulated,
In order to permeate the minds of sentient beings according to his will,
So that goodness and excellent marks arise within them.
He can instantly manifest a Buddha body of a truly golden color.
The magnificent golden rays are the marks of Amitabha.
Countless haloed Buddhas appear before those who accept his deliverance.
A verse in the ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’
If you are really a disciple of the Buddha, you should act on what the Buddha
taught, and aspire to be reborn in the Land of Peace and Joy.
You shouldn’t casually believe what others say, or follow other teachings to cure
31.《般舟讚》(善全584頁): *42/23
A verse in the ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’
If we hear this rare teaching filled with wonderful benefits, we must aspire to attain it, even if it means sacrificing our lives.
If we can exclusively practice it with no reservations, we will be instantly born in the Land of Bliss when our life ends.
32.《般舟讚》(善全587頁): *01/24
A verse in the ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’
Ordinary beings at the upper level of the low tier
Commit the Ten Unwholesome Deeds and have no virtue.
Their ignorance swiftly and naturally increases,
And they slander those who practice virtuous conduct.
Such a fool is difficult to awaken,
Because they have strong karmic connections with their wicked friends.
They only know the liquor and meat in front of them,
And are not aware that their names are already included in the list of hell beings.
After a person has suffered in hell for a very long time,
He starts to remember his good advisors in the human realm.
The sinner has a serious illness near the end-of-life,
He acts as if he’s crazy and loses consciousness.
Scenes of hell appear in his mind.
Possessed by fear, his sweating hands grasp nothing but air.
Who can help him with this dilemma?
Through the grace of Amitabha he encounters a good advisor,
Who teaches him to repent while lighting incense,
And to recite Namo Amitabha with joined palms.
All kinds of suffering are relieved by even one recitation of the Buddha’s Name.
All of his karmic offenses accumulated in the past 5 million eons are eradicated.
The manifested Buddhas and Bodhisattvas arrive upon hearing his recitations,
And welcome him to Amitabha’s Pure Land while holding a lotus flower.
33.《般舟讚》(善全588頁): *02/24
A verse in the ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’
When the terrible fires of hell come to threaten him,
At this critical moment he is fortunate to meet a good advisor.
With a compassionate mind, he teaches him to recite Amitabha’s Name.
The fires of hell become a cool breeze.
The celestial flowers come whirling down with the wind.
You join the manifested buddhas and bodhisattvas and ascend on their lotus platform.
A verse in the ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’
Amitabha universally invites all sentient beings of the ten directions, in the realm of birth-and-death,
All of you must come to my land, in order to eliminate all of your evils at once.
Once a person dwells in the Land of Nirvana,
Throughout infinite time and boundless space he will never worry again.
His every thought, at all times, is fully enlightened.
The vows and practices of the ten bodhisattva grounds are naturally accomplished,
With perceptive expedience and compassion in every ground.
They are never mistaken because they rely upon the Buddha’s teachings.
A verse in the ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’
定善一門韋提請,散善一行釋迦開; 定散俱迴入寶國,即是如來異方便。
The teaching of meditative virtues was requested by Queen Vaidehi,
But the teaching of non-meditative virtues was given by Shakyamuni at his own discretion.
One should dedicate the practices of meditative and non-meditative virtues for rebirth in the land of treasure.
They are the alternative expedient means given by the Tathagata.
36.《般舟讚》(善全572頁): *05/24
A verse in the ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’
Be cautious and do not make light of the consequences from the threefold karma,
We can not afford to take advantage of one another, as the karmic law is clearly in effect.
37.《般舟讚》(善全590頁): *06/24
A verse in the ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’
I would rather stay inside the golden flower for hundreds and thousands of eons,
Rather than going to hell in an instant.
A verse in the ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’
何期今日至寶國,實是娑婆本師力, *07/24
How wonderful we can reach the treasure land today.
It is actually the power of our fundamental teacher, Shakyamuni.
If it is not the fundamental teacher’s advice to urge us,
How can we be reborn in Amitabha’s Pure Land?
A verse in the ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’
得免娑婆長劫難,特蒙知識釋迦恩; *08/24
Being freed after suffering in the Land of Saha for eons,
Is through the grace of Shakyamuni Buddha, our good advisor;
Shakyamuni thought of and employed various skillful means,
To lead us to the Path of Amitabha’s Great Vow.
A verse in the ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’
If not for the efforts of Tathagata Shakyamuni,
We would have no way to hear about Amitabha and his Pure Land.
A verse in the ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’
If Shakyamuni Buddha were not urging us to recite Amitabha’s name,
How would we be able to see Amitabha and his Pure Land?
A verse in the ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’
We can now be liberated from the many kinds of suffering in the Land of Saha,
By being introduced to Amitabha Buddha, through the grace of Shakyamuni.
43.《般舟讚》(善全552頁): *12/24
A verse in the ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’
Being open to a good advisor who teaches us about rebirth,
We can hear the name of Amitabha and his Pure Land.
A verse in the ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’
If we don’t meet a good advisor who teaches us to recite Amitabha’s Name, how can we attain rebirth in Amitabha’s Pure Land?
A verse in the ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’
What can save us during difficult circumstances?
You should know it is the grace of Amitabha.
A verse in the ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’
不蒙彌陀弘誓力,何時何劫出娑婆。 *15/24
Without being open to the great power of Amitabha’s vow, during which time or eon will we be able to leave the Land of Saha?
A verse in the ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’
We can be reborn in the treasure land with no further rebirths,
Entirely through the grace and power of Amitabha’s vow.
Verse of Grace in the ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’
得生淨土報師恩 相續念佛報慈恩
特蒙知識釋迦恩 唯知慚賀釋迦恩
碎身慚謝釋迦恩 碎身慚謝報慈恩
長劫讚佛報慈恩 長時長劫報慈恩
報佛慈恩心無盡 念報慈恩常頂戴
Because they taught me how to attain rebirth in the Pure Land, I feel deep gratitude to my teachers. I recite Amitabha’s Name in order to repay the gift of their kindness.
I especially feel deep gratitude to Shakyamuni Buddha, who is my good advisor; and, I am more than happy to offer my gratitude to him for teaching me to be humble.
I am thankful for Shakyamuni’s grace and boundless compassion which taught me to be humble; so, I prostrated before him.
I have praised the Buddha for a long time in order to repay his kindness; and, I will continue to be thankful for his kindness for many eons.
My gratitude for Amitabha Buddha’s compassion comes from the deepest levels of my mind; and, I always try to be aware of his compassionate presence just above my head.
An excerpt from the ‘In Praise of Pratyutpanna’
Being blind in truth, we believe our karmic actions to reincarnate,
Thus we follow our karma to fall in the deep trench.
Setting the fire of greed and hatred,
We harm ourselves and other people.
We submerge in the sea of ignorance,
Without any condition to come across the piece of [floating] wooden board.
An excerpt from the ‘In Praise of the Rite of Rebirth
勸諸行道者,勤修至無餘。 *19/24
Time passes, flows and turns, and comes to the early morning suddenly.
Be mindful of death, as it comes in a thought of time. We always live with the Death King,
All practitioners are advised to cultivate diligently in full strength.
An excerpt from the the ‘In Praise of the Rite of Rebirth’
We are not diligent in progress, like the tree with no roots.
Also like picking a flower and putting it under the sun, how long can it be kept fresh?
Our life is the same, because death comes in a flash of time;
It is advised to all practitioners, monastic and householder, to cultivate diligently until realization of truth.
An excerpt from the ‘In Praise of the Rite of Rebirth’
I wander within the Three Domains, and enter the jail of womb because of delusion and cravings;
Birth has resulted in aging and death, and we are drowned in the sea of sufferings.
I now cultivate this blessing, and dedicate it to rebirth in the Land of Peace and joy.
A paragraph in the ‘In Praise of the Rite of Rebirth’
I vow to renounce the birth by womb in this world, but vow to be reborn in the Land of Peace and Joy.
So that I can see Amitabha Buddha very soon, who has a body of boundless merit and virtues.
By order, I visit all buddhas, and the benevolent and sacred beings as well;
Hence, I attain the Six Paranormal Powers, to deliver and embrace sentient beings in sufferings.
My vows will be as extensive as the empty space in the Dharma Realm.
- Recitation of Amitabha’s name, relying on his Fundamental Vow (the 18th)
- Rebirth of ordinary beings in the Pure Land’s Realm of Rewards
- Rebirth assured in the present lifetime
- Non-retrogression achieved in this lifetime

The 18th Vow of Amitabha Buddha
If, when I achieve Buddhahood, sentient beings of the ten directions who sincerely and joyfully entrust themselves to me, wish to be reborn in my land and recite my name, even ten times, should fail to be born there, may I not attain perfect enlightenment. Excepted are those who commit the five gravest transgressions or slander the correct Dharma.
Guiding Principles
Faith in, and acceptance of, Amitabha’s deliverance
Single-minded recitation of Amitabha’s name
Aspiration to rebirth in Amitabha’s Pure Land
Comprehensive deliverance of all sentient beings