The 31 Verses Explaining the Amitabha Sutra in the “Praise of Dharma Practices” by Master Shandao
By Master Shandao
善導大師《法事讚》 轉《阿彌陀經》31偈語
The 31 Verses Explaining the Amitabha Sutra in the “Praise of Dharma Practices” by Master Shandao
1. A Verse to Praise the Inauguration of Buddhism *17/22
Wishing to be reborn, wishing to be reborn
The great compassionate mind of all Buddhas is just one, not two. Their teachings on delivering sentient beings are basically the same without any difference.
Shakyamuni Buddha left his splendid Invincible Reward Land, and appeared in eight forms in Jambudvipa.
Sometimes he appeared in his true body to benefit sentient beings, and sometimes he appeared as an assortment of sentient beings, in order to deliver slow-witted ordinary beings.
He split his body in the Six Realms tirelessly, and transformed according to the karmic circumstances necessary to deliver beings in all kinds of existences.
Beings living all kinds of existences have different views and understandings, as their minds are not the same; so, eighty-four thousand kinds of Buddhist teachings are expounded to deliver them.
Though each teaching seems different from the others, they are actually not different. The fundamental difference between all of the teachings is virtually the same.
It is the same with respect to the original intent of the appearance of all Tathagatas; yet, It is different because of their compassionate mind [to deliver different sentient beings in different ways].
With his compassionate mind, the Buddha always thinks of his karmic connection with all sentient beings in the Three Realms, and because the wicked roots of celestial and human beings, as well as the beings in the other four realms are deep.
All Buddhas in the past, present and future come to this world to deliver them; however, sentient beings fail to encounter them because of karmic obstructions resulting from ignorance.
We should feel ashamed for not appreciating that Shakyamuni Buddha’s great vow to deliver ordinary beings is weighty, and he, without forsaking anyone, delivers sentient beings who commit the karmic offenses of the Ten Unwholesome Deeds in the Land of Saha.
It is a rare blessing for us to come across a Dharma Hall to hear the Pure Land teaching. Leaping out from the cage of afflictions with recourse to the divine Buddha’s power, we end our forever.
Sighing mournfully with sorrow in our hearts, let’s hold fragrant flowers in our hands and always make offerings to the Buddha.
1. 讚教興偈
願往生 願往生
諸佛大悲心無二 方便化門等無殊
捨彼莊嚴無勝土 八相示現出閻浮
或現真形而利物 或同雜類化凡愚
分身六道無停息 變現隨宜度有流
有流見解心非一 故有八萬四千門
門門不同亦非別 別別之門還是同
同故即是如來致 別故復是慈悲心
悲心念念緣三界 人天四趣罪根深
過現諸佛皆來化 無明業障不相逢
慚愧釋迦弘誓重 不捨娑婆十惡業
稀遇道場聞淨土 騰神永逝出煩籠
眾等傷心共悲嘆 手執香華常供養
2. A Verse to Praise the Master of Buddhism
Wishing to be reborn, wishing to be reborn
Shakyamuni Tathagata attained perfect Enlightenment, and delivered sentient beings by preaching for forty-nine years.
The Buddha preached and taught sentient beings in the five regions of Tianzhu (ancient India). All demons and those of external paths returned to and took refuge in the Buddha.
No one in heaven and on earth surpasses the Buddha. It is extremely difficult for those who suffer to encounter the compassionate Buddha.
Sometimes, the Buddha emits the divine light permeating the Six Realms. Those who are in contact with that light will become kind-hearted.
Whether the Buddha sometimes dwells at his reward land or he sometimes comes to appear before sentient beings, all can be benefitted. They will never fall into the Three Wretched Realms again, and no longer need to seek the way of liberation.
Sometimes, the Buddha shakes the land and sea, mountains and rivers, in order to awaken those who are ignorant, and those whose faith is not yet deep enough.
Sometimes, the Buddha speaks of the Dharma based on his own intent and advises sentient beings in many expedient ways to enter the forest of Dharma.
The forest of Dharma is Amitabha’s Land. People who are joyful with freedom do not hurt each other.
The multitude admires and unanimously aspires to be reborn there, hold fragrant flowers in their hands, and always make offerings to the Buddha.
2. 讚教主偈
願往生 願往生
釋迦如來成正覺 四十九載度眾生
五天竺國皆行化 邪魔外道盡歸宗
天上天下無過佛 慈悲救苦實難逢
或放神光遍六道 蒙光觸者起慈心
或住或來皆盡益 三塗永絕斷追尋
或震大地山河海 為覺萌冥信未深
或自說法教相勸 展轉相將入法林
法林即是彌陀國 逍遙快樂不相侵
眾等傾心皆願往 手執香華常供養
3. A Verse to Praise the Multitude of Disciples
Wishing to be reborn, wishing to be reborn
Originally, the teaching of the Tathagata was one, not two or more. It was only divided to adapt to the various aptitudes and capacities of sentient beings.
The Buddha speaks of his teachings in one tone so that sentient beings can be enlightened according to their circumstances. Sravakas can realize the emptiness of no-birth without leaving any traces of afflictions.
The Buddha may manifest through his paranormal powers, in order to preach the Dharma. The Buddha may subdue those on external paths, so the domains of their demons vanish.
Though Sravakas can benefit themselves without attachment, they cannot arouse the compassionate mind that benefits others through merit-dedication.
With their bodies vanish and their wisdom extinguishes, Sravakas do not need any residual mental realizations. However, their minds will be resurrected at the end of twenty thousand eons.
Once their resurrected minds are set in motion, their bodies will re-appear. Thus, the Buddha teaches them to set forth the Mahayana Mind first.
All should dedicate their merit, aspire to be reborn in the Pure Land, and hold the fragrant flowers in hand, and always make offerings to the Buddha.
願往生 願往生
如來教法元無二 正為眾生機不同
一音演說隨緣悟 不留殘結證生空
或現神通或說法 或服外道滅魔蹤
自利一身雖免縛 悲心普益絕無功
灰身滅智無餘證 二萬劫盡復生心
生心覺動身還現 諸佛先教發大乘
眾等迴心生淨土 手執香華常供養
4. A Verse about the Multitude of Bodhisattvas
Wishing to be reborn, wishing to be reborn
Among the countless number of Bodhisattvas in the assembly, Manjusri is the most venerable one.
All Bodhisattvas set forth the great compassionate mind, and practice ascetic virtues, so they do not violate their great vows to deliver sentient beings.
Bodhisattvas may appear in their adorned and superior forms, or appear in their adorned and superior bodies.
All sentient beings are delighted upon seeing bodhisattvas and hearing the wonderful Dharma, enabling them to enter the true gateway to the Buddha-lands.
All Bodhisattvas can reach the Buddha-lands in the ten directions, in order to help Buddhas turn the Wheel of the Dharma, through manifestation with their divine power.
All should dedicate their merit and aspire to be reborn in the Pure Land. Let’s hold fragrant flowers in our hands and always make offerings to the Buddha.
4. 菩薩眾偈
願往生 願往生
菩薩大眾無央數 文殊師利最為尊
發大慈悲行苦行 不違弘願度眾生
或現上好莊嚴相 或現上好莊嚴身
含靈睹見皆生喜 為說妙法入真門
十方佛國身皆到 助佛神化轉法輪
眾等迴心生淨土 手執香華常供養
5. A Verse about the Multitude of Miscellaneous Sentient Beings
Wishing to be reborn, wishing to be reborn
Together with a multitude of Sravakas and Bodhisattvas, the Buddha travelled to Shravasti and lived in the Jeta Grove monastery in Anathapindata’s Garden.
They wish to close the doors of the Three Wretched Realms, and to block the access to the Six Realms. They reveal and open the door to the Pure Land, a realm of no-birth and no-death.
All celestial and human beings gather together. They see the face of the venerable Buddha and listen to the Dharma that they have not heard before.
As they see the Buddha and hear the Sutras, they attain enlightenment simultaneously. Upon the end of this life, they will be able to enter the treasured lotus flower.
We vow to go to Amitabha’s Land of Peace and Joy, and return to the Defiled Lands to deliver human and celestial beings.
We wish for our compassion to be boundless, and repay the grace of kindness received through many eons.
All should dedicate their merit and aspire to be reborn in the Pure Land. Let’s hold fragrant flowers in our hands, and always make offerings to the Buddha.
5. 雜類眾偈
願往生 願往生
佛與聲聞菩薩眾 同遊舍衛住祇園
願閉三塗絕六道 開顯無生淨土門
人天大眾皆來集 瞻仰尊顏聽未聞
見佛聞經同得悟 畢命傾心入寶蓮
誓到彌陀安養界 還來穢國度人天
願我慈悲無際限 長時長劫報慈恩
眾等迴心生淨土 手執香華常供養
6. A Verse about the Explanation of Direct and Circumstantial Rewards in the Land of
Wishing to be reborn, wishing to be reborn
A multitude of heavenly and human beings sit around the Buddha, join their palms with admiration, and happily listen to the Buddha explaining the Sutra.
The Buddha knows that it is the perfect time to enlighten both ordinary and sacred beings in the assembly; so, he asks Sariputra to listen with full attention.
All Buddha-lands are pure and adorned. Ordinary beings who are distracted and confused, with miscellaneous and false thoughts, are not likely to be reborn.
Thus, the Tathagata specially directs them to the Pure Land in the West, which is located far beyond a hundred thousand billion Buddha-lands.
The Pure Land is most splendid and adorned with seven jewels. The lifespans of sacred and celestial beings there are extremely long.
The Buddha in that land is called Amitabha, who always speaks of Dharma [in manifestations]. All karmic obstructions to the Buddhist Way encountered by sacred and celestial beings in the Land of Bliss naturally perish.
All sentient beings should dedicate their merit and aspire to be reborn in that Land. Let us hold fragrant flowers in our hands, and always make offerings to the Buddha.
6. 略讚極樂依正偈
願往生 願往生
人天大眾皆圍繞 傾心合掌願聞經
佛知凡聖機時悟 即告舍利用心聽
一切佛土皆嚴淨 凡夫亂想恐難生
如來別指西方國 從是超過十萬億
七寶莊嚴最為勝 聖眾人天壽命長
佛號彌陀常說法 極樂眾生障自亡
眾等迴心願生彼 手執香華常供養
7. A Verse Urging People to Renounce and Admire
Wishing to be reborn, wishing to be reborn
All sentient beings in the Three Domains have no wisdom. They keep on reincarnating within the silly Six Realms.
Kindheartedly, all Buddhas speak the Dharma; but, sentient beings cannot understand it. It is as if they are deaf, blind, handicapped, or disabled.
When death suddenly comes, most people are intimidated by suffering. Their minds are in chaos, and they are shocked and fearful.
One should let go of all worldly matters, family, and properties at that time, and should concentrate his mind and solely focus on aspiration to be reborn in the West,
By reciting Amitabha’s Name without interruption, manifested buddhas and bodhisattvas will parade in front of us,
Or they offer us the lotus altar and receive us with welcoming hands. When our life comes to its end, Amitabha Buddha will be there to receive us.
The multitudes should dedicate their merit, aspire to be reborn in the Pure Land, hold fragrant flowers in their hands, and always offer them to the Buddha.
7. 勸厭欣偈
願往生 願往生
三界眾生無智慧 惛惛六道內安身
諸佛慈心為說法 聾盲觝突伴不聞
忽爾無常苦來逼 精神錯亂始驚忙
萬事家生皆捨離 專心發願向西方
彌陀名號相續念 化佛菩薩眼前行
或與華臺或授手 須臾命盡佛迎將
眾等迴心皆願往 手執香華常供養
8. A Verse to Praise the Arrayed Trees in Seven Tiers
Wishing to be reborn, wishing to be reborn
Throughout past eons, people have not ever heard and seen depictions of the jeweled adornments of the Pure Land in the West.
There are hundreds and thousands of layers of jeweled nets with pearls and gems all over the sky and on the ground.
Every single net is connected by knots of precious jewels, exquisitely producing all varieties of brilliant lights in assorted colors.
The branches of the jeweled trees intermingle. The rows are neatly arranged in matrix and evenly spaced in an array.
This is all [accomplished] because of the power of Amitabha’s compassionate vows. It is natural and permanent without any change or decay.
The multitudes should dedicate their merit and aspire to be reborn in the Pure Land. Let’s hold fragrant flowers in our hands, and always make offerings to the Buddha.
8. 讚七重行樹偈
願往生 願往生
歷劫以來未聞見 西方淨土寶莊嚴
地上虛空皆遍滿 珠羅寶網百千重
一一網羅結珍寶 玲瓏雜色盡暉光
寶樹枝條異相間 行行整直巧相當
此是彌陀悲願力 無衰無變湛然常
眾等迴心皆願往 手執香華常供養
9. A Verse to Praise the Lotus Flowers in the Jeweled Ponds
Wishing to be reborn, wishing to be reborn
The Land of Bliss is vast and pure. The terrains are splendid and it is difficult to measure their limits.
The water of eight virtues flows everywhere. The bottoms of the waterways are covered with golden sand that illuminates with extraordinary light.
The pathways on the four sides are not just a single color. Mansions in millions of rows are built along the shores.
Ornaments decorated with pearls and agates shine and reflect on each other. Four kinds of lotus blossoms emit their beautiful fragrances.
When sentient beings from the ten directions are reborn there, they each are given a seat to hear the teachings of truths.
These are some reasons for naming it the Land of Bliss. Let’s hold fragrant flowers in our hands, and always make offerings to the Buddha.
9. 讚寶池蓮華偈
願往生 願往生
極樂世界廣清淨 地上莊嚴難可量
八功香池流遍滿 底布金沙照異光
四邊階道非一色 岸上重樓百萬行
真珠瑪瑙相映飾 四種蓮華開即香
十方人天得生者 各坐一箇聽真常
是故彼國名極樂 眾等持華來供養
10. A Verse to Praise the Celestial Music and the Floral Rain
Wishing to be reborn, wishing to be reborn
Amitabha’s Buddha-land is most splendid. It is vast and level, truly refined.
The celestial sounds of music are heard everywhere. The surface of the ground is paved with a matrix of precious gems.
Beautiful flowers are naturally dispersed day and night. The sound of the Dharma always fills the air, so that all living beings can naturally hear it.
Sentient beings in that Land are peaceful. They fill the hems of their robes with exquisite flowers and go to visit and make offerings to the Buddhas dwelling in the ten directions.
After making offerings, each of them personally receives merit and virtues from the Buddhas. Subsequently, all of their attachments, defilements, and habitual negative behaviors vanish forever.
Everything comes and goes according to their wishes. All benefits are real and permanent.
They can then return to their original location in a flash. After meals they stroll around an altar adorned with seven jewels.
The multitude unanimously admires the Pure Land and aspires to be reborn there. Let’s hold fragrant flowers in our hands, and always make offerings to the Buddha.
10. 讚天樂雨花偈
願往生 願往生
彌陀佛國最為勝 廣大寬平實是精
天樂音聲常遍滿 黃金為地間奇珍
晝夜六時華自散 法音常說自然聞
彼國眾生更無事 衣裓盛華詣十方
一一親承修供養 塵勞垢習永消亡
種種隨心皆稱意 無不利益是真常
欻爾飛騰還本國 飯食經行七寶臺
眾等傾心皆願往 手執香華常供養
11. A Verse Urging Us to Admire the Pure Land
Wishing to be reborn, wishing to be reborn
The Buddhist Hall is pure and rarely seen, because it is very difficult to hear Amitabha’s Pure Land teaching.
Though difficult-to-hear and difficult-to-see, we have now encountered it. We should practice Amitabha-recitation with double exclusivity as said by the Buddha.
We recite, so we are embraced and received by the compassionate Buddha, and we will see the jeweled altar appear in front of us when we are near the end-of-life.
As we see the lotus platform, we become filled with excitement! We follow the Buddha freely and return to Naturalness.
Amitabha’s land is Naturalness. Return to reality instantly, in the state of flawlessness (no-outflow) and no-birth.
We follow the Buddha wherever he goes and pauses. We realize the body of unconditioned Dharma Nature.
The multitude should dedicate their merit, aspire to be reborn in the Pure Land, hold fragrant flowers in their hands, and always offer them to the Buddha.
11. 勸欣慕淨土偈
願往生 願往生
道場清淨稀難見 彌陀淨土甚難聞
難聞難見今得會 如說修行專意專
願佛慈悲遙攝受 臨終寶座現其前
既見華臺心踴躍 從佛逍遙歸自然
自然即是彌陀國 無漏無生還即真
行來進止常隨佛 證得無為法性身
眾等迴心皆願往 手執香華常供養
12. A Verse to Praise the Jewelled Birds Preaching the Dharma
Wishing to be reborn, wishing to be reborn
The Land of Bliss is adorned with all kinds of jewels. It is truly rare and wonderful, because we hear what we have not ever heard.
The jeweled birds extol the Buddha’s assembly as they fly through the air. They sing various passages and teachings of the Dharma, all with the same message – practicing Amitabha-recitation.
Unceasingly, the sounds of the Dharma are played all day and night. People are inspired and enlightened by the tender, elegant, musical sounds.
Sometimes, they speak of the Five Roots of Virtue and the Seven Practices Leading to Enlightenment. At other times, they speak of the Eightfold Path and the teaching of compassion.
At other times, they speak of leaving the wretched realms in other worlds; or they speak of the hells that block the ways to heavenly and human realms.
Sometimes, they speak of engaging in ascetic practices for long periods of time; or they speak of the unsurpassed cause of Bodhi.
At other times, they speak of the non-meditative virtues and the Six Paramitas; or they speak of the meditative virtues that allow one to enter the deep state of meditation.
Upon hearing these Dharma teachings, all Bodhisattvas and Sravakas split their bodies to turn the wheels of the Dharma.
The multitude should dedicate their merit and aspire to be reborn in the Pure Land. Let’s hold fragrant flowers in our hands and always offer them to the Buddha.
12. 讚寶鳥說法偈
願往生 願往生
極樂莊嚴間雜寶 實是稀奇聞未聞
寶鳥臨空讚佛會 文文句句理相同
晝夜連聲無有息 哀婉雅亮發人心
或說五根七覺分 或說八聖慈悲門
或說他方離惡道 或說地獄封人天
或說長時修苦行 或說無上菩提因
或說散善波羅蜜 或說定慧入深禪
菩薩聲聞聞此法 處處分身轉法輪
眾等迴心皆願往 手執香華常供養
13. A Verse to Praise the Non-Sentient Beings Preaching the Dharma
Wishing to be reborn, wishing to be reborn
The adorned Land of Bliss enables ordinary beings to leave the Three Domains. All assorted heavenly and human beings will be equal by rebirth in that unconditioned realm.
This is because Dharmakara Bodhisattva’s vows are great and his practices were extensive. The revelation of “if, when I attain Buddhahood” is rare and wonderful.
Sometimes, the manifested body of a bird can speak of Dharma. Sometimes, an unexpected friend is manifested who can accommodate sentient beings of different aptitudes
Sometimes, subtle sound waves are manifested to produce wondrous music. Sometimes, trees and woods are manifested to praise the Buddha’s compassion.
Sometimes, wind and light are manifested and move in harmony. Sometimes, nets are manifested in order to share notes and messages.
All kinds of adorned sounds surround us, and celestial musical notes, as many as the sands of the Ganges River, are automatically played in time.
In order to entice all sacred and ordinary beings in other worlds, the Buddha manifests these inconceivable scenes.
Upon hearing this, all of us are so happily surprised that our hair stands on end. With regrets for our misdeeds, we wholeheartedly thank our teacher, Amitabha.
Once we accept this teaching we will wholeheartedly dedicate our life to its practice. It can never be too late to start, because we can arrive in the Pure Land in a flash.
The multitude should dedicate their merit and aspire to be reborn in the Pure Land. Let’s hold fragrant flowers in our hands, and always offer them to the Buddha.
13. 讚無情說法偈
願往生 願往生
極樂莊嚴出三界 人天雜類等無為
法藏行因廣弘願 設我得佛現稀奇
或現鳥身能說法 或現無請能應機
或使微波出妙響 或使林樹讚慈悲
或使風光相應動 或令羅網說音辭
一切莊嚴聲遍滿 恆沙天樂自依時
為引他方凡聖類 故佛現此不思議
我等聞之身毛豎 碎骨慚謝阿彌師
一受專精不惜命 須臾即到豈為遲
眾等迴心皆願往 手執香華常供養
14. A Verse that Summarizes the Praise of the Circumstantial Reward
Wishing to be reborn, wishing to be reborn
Amitabha’s Buddha-land is splendid and pure. The Three Wretched Realms, the Six Realms, and even the names of those realms are absent forever.
Everything is adorned with inconceivable virtues, which are so hard to depict, and every kind of wonderful and delicate phenomena is marvellously refined.
The land is broad and level with a variety of jewels arrayed. Each of them shines simultaneously with five hundred beams of light.
Each of the lights forms a jeweled altar, and each of the altars becomes part of hundreds of thousands of halls.
There are numerous gatherings with manifested Buddhas in thousands of halls. Sentient beings entering the halls meet and greet each other.
Innumerable sounds are heard everywhere in the sky. Heavenly children disperse the fragrant flowers.
This happens without ceasing, day and night during the six periods of time, spreading immeasurably throughout the land and in the air.
All living beings can enter fragrant ponds that contain the eight-virtue water at their own discretion. The water flows in and out freely regardless of the depth.
They may come and go with the joy of the Third Dhyana. They greet each other and follow one another to enter the forests of sandalwood.
There are many different rows of jeweled seats. The sacred beings shine with lights brighter than those of the sun and moon.
The sun and moon symbolize the infinite light and infinite life that surround them, whether they are sitting, standing or traveling in all the worlds.
Everywhere they hear nothing but the unsurpassed Dharma, in order to forever terminate the sufferings of birth-and-death of ordinary beings.
These are the reasons why the Land is called Peace and Joy. The multitude should dedicate their merit and aspire to be reborn in the Pure Land.
Through rebirth in that Land, they will no longer have to deal with trivial matters. Let’s hold fragrant flowers in our hands, and always make offerings to the Buddha.
14. 總結讚依報偈
願往生 願往生
彌陀佛國真嚴淨 三惡六道永無名
事事莊嚴難可識 種種妙微甚為精
地迥寬平眾寶間 一一同耀五百光
一一光成寶臺座 一一座上百千堂
千堂化佛塵沙會 眾生入者共相量
無數音聲遊空轉 化天童子散華香
晝夜六時無間息 地上虛空難可量
八德香池隨意入 灌注由人無淺深
或出或沒三禪樂 徐徐相喚入檀林
檀林寶座行行別 聖眾猶若超日月
日月即是長時劫 或坐或立或遊方
到處唯聞無上法 永絕凡夫生死殃
是故彼國名安樂 眾等迴心願往生
往生彼國無餘事 手執香華常供養
15. A Verse to Praise Amitabha’s Light and Life as his Rewards in Virtues
Wish to be reborn. Wish to be reborn.
Through attaining eternal Nirvana, Amitabha Buddha always exists in the cosmos. His life has been prolonged to an immeasurable extent.
It lasts thousands, millions, billions, and trillions of eons, as many as sands of the Ganges River.
Once seated, Amitabha Buddha remains motionless. His body can emit light permeating the boundless cosmos.
The features of Amitabha Buddha’s body are filled with goodness, genuine and golden in color. Majestically, he delivers sentient beings while sitting alone.
When any ordinary or sacred beings in the ten directions recites his Name, Amitabha Buddha splits his body and dispatches numerous manifested Buddhas to go and welcome them.
When Amitabha-reciters are ready to be reborn, their Dharma bodies travel through space with the speed of a single thought, and join the Buddha’s Assembly. Their bodies and lives become the same as and equal to Amitabha Buddha’s.
All people should dedicate their merits and aspire to be reborn in the Pure Land. Let’s hold fragrant flowers in our hands, and always make offerings to the Buddha.
15. 讚果德光壽偈
願往生 願往生
果得涅槃常住世 壽命延長難可量
千劫萬劫恆沙劫 兆載永劫亦無央
一坐無移亦不動 徹窮後際放身光
靈儀相好真金色 巍巍獨坐度眾生
十方凡聖專心向 分身遣化往相迎
一念乘空入佛會 身色壽命盡皆平
眾等迴心皆願往 手執香華常供養
16. A Verse to Praise Amitabha’s Vows and Practices that Lasted Eons
Wish to be reborn. Wish to be reborn.
That Buddha pursued ascetic practices while cultivating in his causal ground. He was courageous and vigorous in his practice, focused and zealous, without any retrogression.
Once seated there, for a hundred eons and longer, he could practice the difficult-to-practice virtues without tiredness.
He benefits himself through benefiting others, by eliminating all of their evil offenses. Moreover, he does not forsake his “enemies,” because of his great compassion
All sentient beings, including spirits, are comprehensively awakened and delivered. All of them can reach the state of Bodhi with the same cause and the same practice.
They vow to be reborn in the adorned pure land; so, they can see, hear, and realize the unconditioned joyous Dharma.
All sentient beings should dedicate their merit and aspire to be reborn in the Pure Land. Let’s hold fragrant flowers in our hands, and always offer them to the Buddha.
16. 讚歷劫行願偈
願往生 願往生
彼佛從因行苦行 勇猛專精無退時
一坐百劫長時劫 難作能作不生疲
自利利他同斷惡 不捨怨憎由大悲
有識含靈皆普化 同因同行至菩提
誓願莊嚴清淨土 見聞歡喜證無為
眾等迴心皆願往 手執香華常供養
17. A Verse in Praise of Amitabha’s Deliverance of Sentient Beings for Ten Eons
Wish to be reborn. Wish to be reborn.
Amitabha, the Master of Deliverance is, of course, seated in the center. His floral altar is most refined and uniquely magnificent.
It is decorated with hundreds and trillions of Mani pearls alternating with an assortment of other jewels. Every single leaf is splendid, and naturally and uniquely formed.
Ten eons have elapsed since Amitabha first sat in the center. His mind connects to all sentient beings in the Dharma Realm by shining his compassionate light upon them.
Those who are touched by his light are free from the afflictions of the Six Dusts. They will see the Buddha near the end-of-life and go to the Western Pure Land.
Upon arrival, their lotus flower blooms, and they enter the Great Assembly. All kinds of ignorance and afflictions are naturally extinguished.
The Three Kinds of Thorough Knowledge are naturally realized with recourse to the Buddha’s vow-power. Paranormal powers are acquired instantly as soon as they join their palms.
That Buddha and a multitude of Sravakas and Bodhisattvas are as many as infinite grains of sand that cannot be conceived.
I wish to make a strong determination in this lifetime, and join the community of sacred beings at the end of my life.
The multitudes admire the Buddha and unanimously aspire to be reborn. Let’s hold fragrant flowers in our hands, and always make offerings to the Buddha.
17. 讚十劫度生偈
願往生 願往生
彌陀化主當心坐 華臺獨迥最為精
百億摩尼間雜寶 葉葉莊嚴相自成
正坐以來經十劫 心緣法界照慈光
蒙光觸者塵勞滅 臨終見佛往西方
到彼華開入大會 無明煩惱自然亡
三明自然乘佛願 須臾合掌得神通
彼佛聲聞菩薩眾 塵沙算數亦難窮
願我今生強發意 畢命往彼聖人叢
眾等傾心願往生 手執香華常供養
18. A Verse Advising Sentient Beings to Renounce Suffering
Wish to be reborn. Wish to be reborn.
Through teaching Sariputra [in the Amitabha Sutra], Shakyamuni Tathagata is actually teaching all suffering sentient beings.
The Six Realms in the Saha Land are not safe and peaceful for permanent residence. All ordinary beings there keep moving aimlessly in darkness, like dreaming in an endless night.
Though sacred and ordinary beings live together in the Land of Saha, they do not know each other. By easily getting angry, people are always fighting with each other and committing many offenses due to ignorance.
Because of ignorance, they are trapped with no freedom in the Six Realms. When can they treat each other equally, without discriminating between love and hatred, superiority and inferiority?
They do not have sufficient virtuous karma to eliminate the suffering of birth-and-death, and they are not aware of the retribution due to their karmic offenses resulting from greed.
Those beings who have the body of an ass wrapped with human skin will certainly be reborn in the animal realm or in the Three Wretched Realms.
Upon hearing and believing this, we are so sad that our hearts are broken. We vow to renounce all worldly glories immediately.
Let us hope that all sentient beings dedicate their merit and aspire to be reborn in the Pure Land. Let’s hold fragrant flowers in our hands and always make offerings to the Buddha.
18. 勸眾厭離苦偈
願往生 願往生
釋迦如來告身子 即是普告苦眾生
娑婆六道非安處 冥冥長夜闇中行
聖化同居不相識 動生瞋毒鬥無明
為此無明繫六道 愛憎高下何時平
既無善業排生死 由貪造罪未心驚
犯此人皮裹驢骨 三塗自入不須爭
我等聞之心髓痛 誓願頓捨世間榮
普願迴心生淨土 手執香華常供養
19. A Verse to Praise the Dwelling with Non-Retrogression for All Those Reborn There Wish to be reborn. Wish to be reborn.
The Land of Saha is not a place one would wish to be reborn in, because it is extremely painful. Because the Land of Bliss is unconditioned, it is truly splendid.
All sentient beings of the nine levels of aptitude can attain and dwell in the state of non-retrogression, if they dedicate their merits and aspire to be reborn there. They will become Avinivartaniya Bodhisattvas who are no longer reborn.
There, not only are the new-born Bodhisattvas infinite in number ; but, the Bodhisattvas in the tenth stage or below cannot be counted.
The assembly of pure Bodhisattvas is as vast as the great sea and as many as the fine dusts in the Ganges River. Those who have the necessary karmic conditions will be included in the assembly upon arrival.
They will always see the Buddha while walking, standing, sitting, and lying down. They will also utilize paranormal powers to deliver sentient beings, whether they are traveling or staying at home.
The six kinds of consciousness are naturally enlightened, totally free, and without any obstructions. They don’t need to rely on the power resulting from meditative virtues.
I urge all good advisors, who aspire to be equally reborn in the Land of Bliss, to concentrate their focus solely on the West.
The multitude should dedicate their merit and aspire to be reborn in the Pure Land. Let’s hold fragrant flowers in our hands and always make offerings to the Buddha.
19. 讚生皆不退偈
願往生 願往生
娑婆極苦非生處 極樂無為實是精
九品俱迴得不退 阿鞞跋致即無生
非直初生無限極 十地以下劫難窮
如此大海塵恆沙 有緣到者入其中
四種威儀常見佛 行來進止駕神通
六識縱橫自然悟 未藉思量一念功
普勸同生善知識 專心專注往西方
眾等迴心皆願往 手執香華常供養
20. A Verse to Explain the Main Cause of Rebirth
Wish to be reborn. Wish to be reborn.
The Land of Bliss is a realm of unconditioned Nirvana. It’s hard to be reborn there by practicing assorted virtues according to circumstances.
The Tathagata selected the key method – He teaches sentient beings to recite Amitabha’s Name with two-fold exclusivity.
They should exclusively recite Amitabha’s Name for one day to 7 days without interruption. Once commencing the practice, they should double or triple the time of recitation throughout their entire lives.
Near the end-of-life sacred beings holding flowers will appear before them. Their bodies and minds will be filled with joy, as they are seated within a golden lotus flower.
Once seated, they attain the Perseverance of No-Birth, and will be welcomed by the Buddha within one thought.
Their Dharma companions dress them in new clothes. They realize the state of non-retrogression, and enter the assembly of benevolent sagely bodhisattvas.
The multitude should dedicate their merit, aspire to be reborn in the Pure Land, hold fragrant flowers in their hands, and always make offerings to the Buddha.
20. 釋往生正因偈
願往生 願往生
極樂無為涅槃界 隨緣雜善恐難生
故使如來選要法 教念彌陀專復專
七日七夜心無間 長時起行倍皆然
臨終聖眾持華現 身心踴躍坐金蓮
坐時即得無生忍 一念迎將至佛前
法侶將衣競來著 證得不退入三賢
眾等迴心皆願往 手執香華常供養
21. A Verse Advising Sentient Beings to Attain Rebirth through Amitabha-Recitation
Wish to be reborn. Wish to be reborn.
The two Bodhisattvas are Amitabha Buddha’s assistants. One is Boundless Light (Mahasthamaprapta) and the other is Guanyin (Avalokitesvara).
He helps the Buddha deliver sentient beings at all times. With a kindhearted mind, he can split his body to travel in the Six Realms.
He shares the Dharma in every single thought according to circumstances. However, ignorant sentient beings are difficult to enlighten because of their deep karmic roots.
Though he appears hundreds and thousands of times in this world, none out of ten thousand sentient beings can escape from the grasp of their afflictions.
With infinite compassion he sympathizes with sentient beings who suffer for many eons. They are unable to recognize the Buddha, even if they encounter him face to face.
The reason celestial and human beings are unable to recognize the Buddha is because they have so few virtues. They certainly wouldn’t know enough to ask the Buddha to help them realize the Six Paranormal Powers and the Unconditioned Dharma.
Even if they can see and hear about the Dharma treasure of deliverance, they are too careless and lazy to practice. Thus, they do not gain any merit.
Even though they keep going year after year, they only fill their minds with greed and hatred. Greed and hatred are two of the three bodily karmas. Bearing such karma, how can they possibly awaken to the Pure Land of True Emptiness within?
Sending a message to the good advisors born in the same Pure Land, let’s think of the Buddha’s compassion and enter the assembly of sacred beings.
The multitude is filled with admiration and unanimously aspires to be reborn. Let’s hold fragrant flowers in our hands, and always offer them to the Buddha.
21. 勸念佛往生偈
願往生 願往生
彌陀侍者二菩薩 號曰無邊觀世音
一切時中助佛化 分身六道起慈心
念念隨機為說法 惛惛難悟罪根深
百計千萬數出世 萬中無一出煩籠
念汝眾生長劫苦 諸佛對面不相逢
人天少善尚難辨 何況無為證六通
雖得見聞稀有法 粗心懈怠益無功
縱使連年放腳走 趁得貪瞋滿內胸
貪瞋即是身三業 何開淨土裏真空
寄語同生善知識 念佛慈悲入聖叢
眾等傾心皆願往 手執香華常供養
22 A Verse about The Affirmation by all Buddhas in the East
Wish to be reborn. Wish to be reborn.
Shakyamuni Tathagata always extols the venerable Bodhisattvas of Equal Enlightenment, as many as the sands of the River Ganges.
The Great Compassion delivers sentient beings with a mind of equality. One Buddha bestowing merit and virtues on sentient beings is the same as many Buddhas doing it.
In order to cut off the attachments of doubts and views, all of them extend their tongues to cover the entire cosmos of the three thousand worlds.
They attest to rebirth in the Pure Land by reciting the Name for seven days, and confirm that the words spoken by Shakyamuni are true.
During the end of life, if a person recites Amitabha’s Name with right mindfulness, and sees Amitabha’s light of kindness shining on one’s body,
With recourse to the power of Amitabha’s Fundamental Vow, he will enter the Hall of Treasure within one thought.
The Hall of Treasure is adorned to an infinite extent. All of the manifested Buddhas and sacred beings reside there in a meditative state
Through performing the dual practices of wisdom and compassion in a hundred or a thousand days, they gain enlightenment of the Nature of Mind and the teaching of truth.
Just as I have now arrived in the unconditioned realm, I hope all sentient beings can return to this place.
Let the multitude unanimously admire this Pure Land and aspire to be reborn here. Let’s hold fragrant flowers in our hands and always offer them to the Buddha.
22. 東方證誠相偈
願往生 願往生
釋迦如來常讚歎 東方恆沙等覺尊
大悲同化心無二 一佛施功多亦然
為斷凡夫疑見執 皆舒舌相覆三千
共證七日稱名號 又表釋迦言說真
終時正意念彌陀 見佛慈光來照身
乘此彌陀本願力 一念之間入寶堂
寶堂莊嚴無限極 化佛聖眾坐思量
心性明於百千日 悲智雙行法爾常
我今既到無為處 普願含靈歸此方
眾等傾心皆願往 手執香華常供養
23. A Verse about Affirmation by all Buddhas in the South
Wish to be reborn. Wish to be reborn.
Buddhas in the South are as many as the sands in the Ganges River. They extend their tongues to cover the three thousand worlds in the entire cosmos [to affirm Amitabha’s Vow].
For the sake of ordinary and sacred beings in their own lands, they praise Shakyamuni for transforming his body into human form,
And becomes the Buddha in the Land of Saha of the Five Kinds of Turbidity. His sole aim is to teach and deliver those people with deeply rooted karmic offenses.
They have a false view of self, overly active sensual desires, and a high level of arrogance. They become angry when they are advised to leave the defiled world.
Do you sentient beings, who have been wandering for countless lives, believe the words attested to by all Buddhas are not true?
The multitude should dedicate their merit and aspire to be reborn in the Pure Land. Let’s hold fragrant flowers in our hands, and always offer them to the Buddha.
願往生 願往生
南方諸佛如恆沙 亦舒舌相覆三千
為其本國凡聖眾 讚歎釋迦變現身
出現娑婆五濁內 標心為化罪根人
我見邪貪增上慢 教令出世反生瞋
念汝眾生流浪久 諸佛誠言謂不真
眾等迴心生淨土 手執香華常供養
24. A Verse about Affirmation by all of the Buddhas in the West
Wish to be reborn. Wish to be reborn.
There are as many Buddhas in the West as there are sands in the Ganges River. Each of them praises the Tathagata from his own country.
The Tathagata splits his body into hundreds and billions of forms during his life in Jambudvipa. This is truly rare!
Ordinary beings in the world of Five Kinds of Turbidity say that the Buddha was real.He realized the unconditioned realm after six years of ascetic practices.
He conquered demons, achieved Buddhahood, and shared the wonderful Dharma. All of his various kinds of expedient teachings have many levels of understanding.
He comprehensively advises sentient beings to return to the Pure Land. However, they need to think about it, hesitate, worry, and even doubt.
Now, I extend my tongue to affirm that the Land of Bliss in the West is a place we can rely on.
The multitude should dedicate their merit and aspire to be reborn in the Pure Land.Let’s hold fragrant flowers in our hands and always offer them to the Buddha.
24. 西方證誠相偈
願往生 願往生
西方諸佛如恆沙 各於本國讚如來
分身百億閻浮內 示現八相大稀奇
五濁凡夫將謂實 六年苦行證無為
降魔成道說妙法 種種方便不思議
普勸眾生歸淨土 前思卻慮更生疑
我今舒舌以為證 西方極樂必須依
眾等迴心皆願往 手執香華常供養
25. A Verse about Affirmation by all Buddhas in the North
Wish to be reborn. Wish to be reborn.
Buddhas in the North are as many as the sands in the Ganges River. All of them extend their tongues to attest what Shakyamuni says.
Buddhas appear in the world for the sake of sentient beings like us. They adapt their Dharma teachings according to the aptitudes, circumstances, and time in which their followers live.
Because the aptitude of people and the timing interact, people are enlightened upon hearing the Dharma. They follow the Dharma as taught and practice without any doubts.
They recite the Name for seven days without interruption. They are so excited both physically and mentally, but feel great pity for those who cannot recite the Name.
They are glad to hear the unique Dharma from their homeland. All Buddhas attest to this teaching and have determined that it is the way to return home.
The multitude should dedicate their merit and aspire to be reborn in the Pure Land. Let’s hold fragrant flowers in our hands, and always offer them to the Buddha.
願往生 願往生
北方諸佛如恆沙 皆舒舌相證牟尼
為我凡夫來出世 隨緣說法應時機
時機相感聞即悟 如說修行不致疑
七日稱名無間雜 身心踴躍喜還悲
慶得稀聞自家國 諸佛證判得還歸
眾等迴心皆願往 手執香華常供養
26. A Verse about the Attestations of all Buddhas in the Nadir
Wish to be reborn. Wish to be reborn.
Buddhas in the Nadir are as many as the sands in the Ganges River. Each of them delivers sentient beings in their own countries.
They attest to and praise Shakyamuni’s appearance in the world of Five Kinds of Turbidity, in order to accomplish the difficult task of delivering ignorant ordinary beings.
The Buddha expediently enables sentient beings to eliminate their evil karma according to circumstances, and instructs them to go forward to the West.
All of our wholesome karma is dedicated, and the transformed Buddha automatically comes to receive us near the end-of-life.
Wise people with sharp roots are delighted to hear this Dharma teaching, as they are frightened when they suddenly think of the sufferings in the Three Wretched Realms.
Those who are frightened are advised to repent. Otherwise they will fall into the deep trench because of the non-extinction of their karmic offenses.
The multitude should dedicate their merit and aspire to be reborn in the Pure Land. Let’s hold fragrant flowers in our hands and always offer them to the Buddha.
願往生 願往生
下方諸佛如恆沙 各於本國度眾生
證讚釋迦出五濁 能為難事化群萌
善巧隨宜令斷惡 偏心指授向西行
一切福業皆迴向 終時化佛自來迎
利根智者聞歡喜 忽憶三塗心即驚
驚心毛豎勸懺悔 恐罪不滅墮深坑
眾等迴心生淨土 手執香華常供養
27. A Verse about Affirmation by all Buddhas in the Zenith
Wish to be reborn. Wish to be reborn.
There are as many Buddhas in the Zenith, as there are grains of sand in the Ganges River. They all extend their tongues to affirm this teaching, for the sake of ordinary beings in the Land of Saha.
Among those who commit the Ten Unwholesome Deeds and the Five Gravest Offenses, most are suspicious of and slander the Dharma. They believe in deviant views, serve ghosts, and get close to devas and demons.
They regard false thoughts as blessings, and have even more calamitous obstructions and tragedies in return. They may be bedridden for years. Their eyes and ears may be hurt, and their legs and hands may be broken.
These are some of the retributions for worshiping demons. Why don’t they recite Amitabha’s Name and never forsake it?
The power of Amitabha’s vow is equal for all. It enables sentient beings to dedicate their recitations to rebirth, and hold their own fragrant flowers in their hands.
They will be transported to the Land of Bliss within one thought, and live in a state of peace with no motion and no setbacks.
The multitude should dedicate their merits and aspire to be reborn in the Pure Land. Let’s hold fragrant flowers in our hands and always offer them to the Buddha.
願往生 願往生
上方諸佛如恆沙 還舒舌相為娑婆
十惡五逆多疑謗 信邪事鬼餒神魔
妄想求恩謂有福 災障禍橫轉彌多
連年臥病於床枕 聾盲腳折手攣橛
承事神明得此報 如何不捨念彌陀
彌陀願力皆平等 但使迴心華自捧
一念逍遙快樂國 畢竟常安無退動
眾等迴心願生彼 手執香華常供養
28. A verse explaining how all Buddhas embrace and remember
Wish to be reborn. Wish to be reborn.
Shakyamuni Tathagata possessed Great compassion. It caused him to transform and appear in the Saha World to deliver sentient beings.
Sentient beings reside in all of the three thousand realms. He teaches them in accordance with their aptitudes and capacities, how to eliminate greed and hatred and attain enlightenment.
He advises them to let go of impermanent celestial and human joys, because the Eight Sufferings of birth-and-death are like a burning fire that seriously injures people.
People can think of Buddhas and recite the Sutras to eradicate their karmic obstructions. All Buddhas will embrace and protect them remotely.
They should make a strong wish during the six periods of time. Upholding their minds while practicing without distractions, they accomplish the karma that assures rebirth.
Once they accomplish the karma of assurance, they can see the Buddha, the Master of the Lotus Altar. Upon arrival in that land, the altar changes to a purple golden color.
They follow the Buddha and travel freely to enter the jeweled country, where they never again hear any sounds of sorrow or worry.
The multitude is filled with admiration and unanimously aspires to be reborn. Let’s hold fragrant flowers in our hands and always offer them to the Buddha.
願往生 願往生
釋迦如來大慈悲 應現娑婆度有緣
有緣遍滿三千界 隨機示悟斷貪癡
總勸厭此人天樂 無常八苦火燒人
念佛誦經除罪障 諸佛遙加護念身
晝夜六時強發願 持心不散業還成
業成見佛華臺主 須臾變作紫金臺
從佛逍遙入寶國 畢竟永絕愁憂聲
眾等迴心皆願往 手執香華常供養
29. A verse Praising the Virtues Each Other
Wish to be reborn. Wish to be reborn.
The World Honored One earnestly teaches his chief disciple, Sariputra, that the great compassion of all Buddhas is the same.
They praise each other without any difference in their minds. Each of them expediently plays different roles, in response to the aptitudes of the disciples and the timing of their deliverance.
All Tathagatas of the six directions praise Shakyamuni, whose appearance was an extremely rare occurrence.
It was an extremely fortunate period when Shakyamuni taught sentient beings in the world of Five Kinds of Turbidity, because their ignorance was extremely severe and very hard to eliminate.
Because turbidity increases with the passage of time, people’s bodies become smaller. The wickedness of the turbidity in sentient beings is like snakes and dragons.
The turbidity of afflictions is everywhere, exceeding the number of grains of dust in the world. Love and hatred, adversity and fortune, are piled as high as Mount Yue.
The turbidity of views is like a tree with spines and thorns. The turbidity of life results in sudden premature death.
The direct and circumstantial rewards are extinguished simultaneously. People turn their backs on the orthodox, follow heretics, and blame each other with no good reason.
All ninety-five kinds of heterodox teachings contaminate the world. The Buddhist teaching is the only one that is pure and relaxed.
The aspiration of Buddhas to share Perfect Enlightenment extends boundlessly. They return to the burning house to deliver human and celestial beings.
The multitude unanimously admires them and aspires to be reborn. Let’s hold fragrant flowers in our hands, and always offer them to the Buddhas.
29. 互相讚德偈
願往生 願往生
世尊殷勤告身子 表知諸佛大悲同
互相讚德心無異 巧應時機各有功
六方如來皆讚歎 釋迦出現甚難逢
正治五濁時興盛 無明頑硬似高峰
劫濁時移身漸小 眾生濁惡等蛇龍
惱濁遍滿過塵數 愛憎違順若岳山
見濁叢林如棘刺 命濁中夭剎那間
依正二報同時滅 背正歸邪橫起怨
九十五種皆污世 唯佛一道獨清閑
出到菩提心無盡 還來火宅度人天
眾等迴心皆願往 手執香華常供養
30. A Verse to Reveal the Original Intent of Shakyamuni Buddha
Wish to be reborn. Wish to be reborn.
The Tathagata appears in the world of Five Kinds of Turbidity, and uses various expedient means to teach all ordinary beings according to their circumstances.
Sometimes, he offers extensive teachings in order to deliver them. At other times, he gives them a precise interpretation of those teachings; so, they may realize the three kinds of paranormal powers.
Sometimes, he teaches about wisdom and compassion, in order to eradicate our obstructions. At other times, he teaches sitting meditation, for us to perceive and contemplate.
All of the teachings can lead us to emancipation; however, none of them is better than the teaching of rebirth in the West through Amitabha-recitation.
For one’s whole life at maximum, or just three to ten times at minimum, so that Amitabha Buddha appears, and welcomes us as we approach death.
This occurs simply because Amitabha’s vows are so powerful and all encompassing that they enable ordinary beings to attain rebirth immediately through Amitabha-recitation.
The multitude unanimously admires Amitabha and aspires to be reborn. Let’s hold fragrant flowers in our hands and always offer them to the Buddha.
願往生 願往生
如來出現於五濁 隨宜方便化群萌
或說多聞而得度 或說少解證三明
或教福慧雙除障 或教禪念坐思量
種種法門皆解脫 無過念佛往西方
上盡一形至十念 三念五念佛來迎
直為彌陀弘誓重 致使凡夫念即生
眾等迴心皆願往 手執香華常供養
31. A Verse of Exhorting and Disseminating Amitabha’s Name
Wish to be reborn. Wish to be reborn.
When the World Honored One neared the end of his teaching career, he earnestly advised his students to recite Amitabha’s Name.
When the Five Kinds of Turbidity in the world become more severe, people will be more doubtful and slander the Dharma more often. Monastics and householders will dislike each other and refuse to listen.
When they see others practicing Buddhist teachings, they look at them with hatred. They are destructive in many ways and compete in blaming each other.
They don’t see the value of the Buddha’s teachings like the blind without any virtuous roots, thus they will sink in the sea of suffering due to destruction of the Sudden Teaching.
Over countless eons they will fail to escape from the Three Wretched Realms. Let us all repent together with the same guilty hearts, for breaking the Dharmas in a variety of karmic circumstances.
The multitude feels the deepest admiration and unanimously aspires to be reborn.Let’s hold fragrant flowers in our hands and always offer them to the Buddha.
31. 讚付囑流通偈
願往生 願往生
世尊說法時將了 殷勤付囑彌陀名
五濁增時多疑謗 道俗相嫌不用聞
見有修行起瞋毒 方便破壞競生怨
如此生盲闡提輩 毀滅頓教永沉淪
超過大地微塵劫 未可得離三塗身
大眾同心皆懺悔 所有破法罪因緣
眾等迴心生淨土 手執香華常供養
- Recitation of Amitabha’s name, relying on his Fundamental Vow (the 18th)
- Rebirth of ordinary beings in the Pure Land’s Realm of Rewards
- Rebirth assured in the present lifetime
- Non-retrogression achieved in this lifetime

The 18th Vow of Amitabha Buddha
If, when I achieve Buddhahood, sentient beings of the ten directions who sincerely and joyfully entrust themselves to me, wish to be reborn in my land and recite my name, even ten times, should fail to be born there, may I not attain perfect enlightenment. Excepted are those who commit the five gravest transgressions or slander the correct Dharma.
Guiding Principles
Faith in, and acceptance of, Amitabha’s deliverance
Single-minded recitation of Amitabha’s name
Aspiration to rebirth in Amitabha’s Pure Land
Comprehensive deliverance of all sentient beings