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 An Offering to the Buddha with a Borrowed Painting: On a Return Trip by Boat, I Lost My Way and Entered Deep into the Lake of Lotus

Painting by Feng Zi-kai, Words by Master Jingzong, 29 July 2019
Translated by the Pure Land School Translation Team 


Late upon the journey of our life,
 I found myself no longer attracted to worldly affairs,
Be it wealth, desire, fame, or financial gains.
 As the thought of cultivation and a return to Buddha-nature arose,
I chanced upon Pure Land Buddha-recitation.
The more I practiced, the higher the fulfillment of Dharma pleasure.
I went on so deep that I entered the Dharma World of Lotus.
Making the best of an accidental encounter,
I shall be reborn into the Land of Ultimate Bliss.

Master Huijing

Master Huijing

Master Jingzong

Master Jingzong

Guiding Principles

Faith in, and acceptance of, Amitabha’s deliverance
Single-minded recitation of Amitabha’s name
Aspiration to rebirth in Amitabha’s Pure Land
Comprehensive deliverance of all sentient beings