I am just a bubble that can breathe. I have no idea when it might burst.
We absolutely believe in the existence of our so called “thoughts.” We care deeply about them, yet they are less real than our breath. The endless delusions that arise and pass away, repeatedly attach themselves to the fancy colors on the bubble’s surface. But, where on earth do the bubbles go when they burst?
When the bellows of life stop working and the bubble stops breathing, will that breath go back into cosmic space?
Our lives are just like a breath. I wish we can all awaken as soon as possible. May none get tangled by meaningless delusions. Let’s recite “Namo Amitabha Buddha” with each breath, for the rest of our lives.
Guiding Principles
Faith in, and acceptance of, Amitabha’s deliverance
Single-minded recitation of Amitabha’s name
Aspiration to rebirth in Amitabha’s Pure Land
Comprehensive deliverance of all sentient beings