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 Diet For Babies

New-born babies need to be breast-fed to grow healthily, as mother's milk is easy to digest. Gradually, they can feed on porridge, mushy rice, vegetables and fruits, and cakes. Whatever food they consume will be transformed into beneficial nutrients as their digestive systems have become robust. But if they eat indiscriminately as young babies, they will suffer. The more exotic delicacies they are given, the more harm will result. The infants may even die.

We are really babies when it comes to the Dharma. Only pure Dharma milk is suitable for us. For our Dharma body to grow healthily, we should exclusively learn the Pure Land teachings and recite the name of Amitabha Buddha. If we get ambitious and engage in assorted practices, or let our curiosity and vanity lead us astray into the teachings of sundry schools, we will reach a dead end. Our life as a Buddhist practitioner will be over, snuffed out by the weight of hodgepodge knowledge.

Master Huijing

Master Huijing

Master Jingzong

Master Jingzong

Guiding Principles

Faith in, and acceptance of, Amitabha’s deliverance
Single-minded recitation of Amitabha’s name
Aspiration to rebirth in Amitabha’s Pure Land
Comprehensive deliverance of all sentient beings