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 Seizing Our Finite Life to Pursue Eternal Liberation


       Shakyamuni Buddha began his teachings by elucidating the reality of suffering. He placed this truth at the forefront, not to instil fear, but to help us recognize the realities of this world. Only by grasping the pervasive nature of pain and suffering in the human condition could we marshal the inner resources necessary to rise above our afflictions and ultimately achieve liberation. It's like a ferocious dog barking and trying to bite you. If you turn your back and run away, it will likely bite you. However, If you confront it directly, it might get scared and run away.

       The Lotus Sutra states: “There is no peace in the three domains, like a house on fire, filled with suffering and extreme torments.” When facing the sufferings of the six realms of samsara, we must confront them and seek ways to liberate ourselves.

       There is a common saying, “if a person is sincere, then the Buddha will respond.” As long as we sincerely seek liberation, we will find the perfect solution one day. Conversely, if we do not recognize suffering and seek to escape it, we will suffer endlessly. Why is this?

       Because life is short; no matter how much joy and sorrow we experience, it spans only a few decades. However, the end of this life is not the end of all. What awaits us is the endless cycle of birth and death. Is it not true that this short period of suffering will only lead to even greater and longer-lasting pain? The opportunity to resolve the sufferings of the Three Domains and six realms lies in the human realm, not the celestial realm. Therefore, we must make the most of our limited lifetime to seek eternal liberation.

       The purpose of having faith in Amitabha Buddha and reciting his name is to be free from the cycle of birth and death. If we don’t liberate ourselves from samsara, the risk of falling into the evil realms in future lives is inevitable; each passing day brings us closer to hell. No matter how successful we are in this life, we will inevitably face King Yama upon death and continue the cycle of samsara.

       Providing material help is a form of worldly love and benevolence. However, the highest expression of compassion and wisdom lies in guiding others to escape the suffering of samsara and attain Buddhahood. From this perspective, those who propagate the Pure Land Dharma can be said to embody the greatest compassion and wisdom.


(Translated and edited by the Pure Land School Translation Team)




Master Huijing

Master Huijing

Master Jingzong

Master Jingzong

Guiding Principles

Faith in, and acceptance of, Amitabha’s deliverance
Single-minded recitation of Amitabha’s name
Aspiration to rebirth in Amitabha’s Pure Land
Comprehensive deliverance of all sentient beings